Discipline: Law - Criminal

Active ShootersActive Shooters

After you finish reading the article you are to write a critique. You are to submit a critique of the article in the submission box and must use a minimum of 300 words per question regarding the topic and article listed below. Do not just use one sentence (use sentences) to explain or answer each […]

Quiet PointsQuiet Points

  Listen to the following TED Talk, Julian Treasure, 5 Ways to Listen Better  TED Global, 2011 Do you agree with his premise that the world is “too loud?”  What were the three most important themes to you?  Why?  In what ways are we not able to listen to the “quiet points” and how, specifically, […]

Social ProblemsSocial Problems

   Social Problems – Part of the role of public administrators can be to address social needs. From among the wide range of unresolved social problems, how and why are some problems redefined as public policy issues, brought to the public agenda, and addressed by government agencies? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of our current […]

Plea Bargain DebatePlea Bargain Debate

Prior to beginning work on this video presentation, read Plea and Charge Bargaining: Research Summary and The Unnecessary Evil of Plea Bargaining: An Unconstitutional Conditions Problem and a Not-So-Least Restrictive Alternative. Additionally, watch Due Process: Let’s Make a Deal: The Plea Bargain (Aired 12/9/12). Well over 90% of criminal cases in the United States are […]

Reflection ExerciseReflection Exercise

People often think of minorities when they think of crime and criminals. Many of the readings/videos in this Learning Module address the social and historic reasons that crime and criminality are often linked to minorities. Using that material, and anything else you want, discuss the issue of racializing crime and criminal. Your paper must be […]


Discuss the four types of leadership and managerial styles. Discuss Theory X versus Theory Y. Discuss the divisions of labor in organizational principles: functional, temporal, and spatial demands. 

Organized crime 2Organized crime 2

 What are some of the rules of the American Mafia? How do they differ from the rules of society? What if you were to structure an organized crime organization, what would it look like? Be specific and give examples. Support your thoughts.