Discipline: Law - Criminal

Respond to Derek postRespond to Derek post

Hey everyone,  The scenario I chose the was the autism video. it showed both outcomes of whether or not officers took the time to try to understand a situation and show empathy. When the officers did not show empathy it lead to a use of force with the individual which could have been avoided. Then […]

Respond To Frank PostRespond To Frank Post

For this discussion I chose the Schizophrenia scenario. The reason I chose that as I had a brother that was normal until 16 years of age and then went off the deep end, he was diagnosed with Schizophrenia and it was very hard to deal with in the home. Eventually he was institutionalized until medications […]


  Contact a local community-based agency that delivers substance abuse treatment services to adjudicated populations. Speak to either a therapist or administrator in the organization. During your interview, assess whether the agency is using an empirically-supported treatment or intervention approach or some other approach. Inquire and assess their recidivism rates to compare effectiveness in comparison […]

Week 12Week 12

Discuss both sides of the following questions: Does a nonminority defendant in a criminal case have the standing to challenge the exclusion of minority defendants from juries? List arguments on both sides of the issue. Compare your arguments with those in Powers v. Ohio, 499 U.S. 400 (1991) and Campbell v. Louisiana, 523 U.S. 392 […]


ne of the themes of this course has been the comparison between business leadership and leadership in the criminal justice field. In some ways, the techniques and challenges are similar between the two worlds, but in other ways there are vast differences. For this assignment, you will compare the position of police chief with that […]


Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ initial postings. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or […]


Review current periodical literature for articles that discuss recent trends in international crime and provide a description of one article on each of the following topics: The prevalence of international money laundering The influence or involvement of international crime groups in money laundering Current national efforts in the United States to combat international terrorism

Legal Writing and Research HelpLegal Writing and Research Help

Cultural comparision, Awareness, and acceptions; The examanition of two legal perceptions. Main topics: • Laws and traditions: islamic perspective to american perspective (includes consequences for breaking laws) • cultural differences:christianity vs muslim (includes beliefs,ect) •cultural similarities christianity and muslim •facts on what Americans can learn from islamic laws •facts on what islamic can learn from […]