Discipline: Law - Criminal

Case BriefCase Brief

Case briefs should be one page in length (single spaced), use 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins, and list citations and references in APA format.  Read and brief Read and brief Home v. North Kitsap School District. Additionally, discuss Home v. North Kitsap School District, specifically  addressing defenses of recreational user immunity and […]

Neil v. BiggersNeil v. Biggers

 In Neil v. Biggers (1972) the Court determined that identification procedures must be fair. To determine whether the procedures were fair, courts must consider all the circumstances leading to the identification. Discuss what circumstances should be considered in determining fairness. Why are these circumstances important in determining the fairness of an identification procedure? 

Inmate FreedInmate Freed

  https://www.foxnews.com/us/ohio-inmate-freed-from-prison-after-nearly-4-decades-thanks-law-project-he-says-saved-himLinks to an external site.  To complete this weekly assignment the student will read Current Event number 1 and offer a summary based on the following: 1.  Analyze the listed ideas and discuss their relation to the United States Legal System. 2.  Reflect on how this subject matter may relate to your life and […]

Case StudyCase Study

   For this assignment, you will select one of the following three Factual Case Scenarios: The Dempseys  Angry Customers  The Larsons  PART 1 WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT – Write an analysis of the emotional issues the scenario presents.  Define and discuss framing in the context of the scenario.  What strategy would you employ or suggest be used […]

Organizational Theory and Decision Making in AdministrationOrganizational Theory and Decision Making in Administration

   Public Administrators have a variety of methods to approach making changes within an agency. Compare and contrast the rational decision-making approach and incrementalism. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each (in theory and in practice). Cite at least one source, which may be your textbook. 75-100 words Based on this week’s topics, organizational theory […]

A current event and / or trend in today’s government, describing what the issues at hand are and how political, social, and economic environments have influenced those issues, successes or failures.A current event and / or trend in today’s government, describing what the issues at hand are and how political, social, and economic environments have influenced those issues, successes or failures.

Act as a government administrator or an “elected official ” of their chosen agency whose job entails providing a full report to a governing body of that agency, reporting on a current (or past) issue (s), and highlighting reasons why a decision for or against the issue should be decided.