Discipline: Law - Criminal

Corrections AssignmentCorrections Assignment

 This is about prisons. Explain the need for custody staff to be present 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year long. What impact does minimal critical staffing have on budgetary matters? Do inmates have a constitutional right to receive medical attention? Should it be?  Why or why not?   Does the state have […]

What is Mental Health?What is Mental Health?

  Assignment Details You will select 1 of the 5 topics for your Discussion Board (DB). Please read the instructions for the DB assignments carefully because they are different from your other classes that you have had DBs in. Selecting 1 of the 5 topics, you will be required to submit a 300-word minimum main […]

What is Mental Health?What is Mental Health?

  Assignment Details You will select 1 of the 5 topics for your Discussion Board (DB). Please read the instructions for the DB assignments carefully because they are different from your other classes that you have had DBs in. Selecting 1 of the 5 topics, you will be required to submit a 300-word minimum main […]

Adolescent PerpetratorsAdolescent Perpetrators

This chapter focused on adolescent perpetrators, and a largely unaddressed area of family violence is between siblings. Your textbook identifies a likely cause and then three behaviors that may contribute to sibling abuse.   What is the likely cause of sibling abuse and of the behaviors that contribute, identify the one you think is most […]