Discipline: Law - Criminal

week4 disweek4 dis

Scenario You have received a position that requires you to oversee a group of 30 correctional officers. This job will be challenging, because these officers are noted for holding negative, and sometimes even hostile, attitudes toward the institution’s leadership, as well as the prisoners they oversee. Your job is to try to create a better […]

Juvenile Versus Adult Court SystemsJuvenile Versus Adult Court Systems

Overview You will choose a criminal case study from the crime section of The Daily Chronicle(https://www.chronline.com/crime/#google_vignette) to examine the differences between the juvenile and adult court systems. You will read and summarize a case involving an adult. Then you will consider how this case would unfold differently had a juvenile committed the crime.   Instructions […]

Law – Criminal assignmentLaw – Criminal assignment

  Write a 1,500-word paper that includes the following: Juvenile Justice System (500 words) Identify one well-publicized crime committed by a juvenile in your community for which a restorative justice approach would have been more appropriate than the punitive approach that was used. Explain why. Explain how you would apply a restorative justice approach to […]

Law – Criminal Assignment 15Law – Criminal Assignment 15

 Please read chapter 15, then: 1. Summarize the Chapter Review (200+) 2. Please choose any three sections of the chapter other than the Chapter Review and summarize them (only 50+ each)  The required book is Essential Interviewing and Counseling Skills:  An Integrated Approach to Practice, 2nd Edition, by Tracy Prout, Melanie J. Wadkins, and Tatianna […]


 Please read Chapter 14, then: 1. Summarize the Chapter Review (200+) 2. Summarize the paragraph under Empirically Supported Treatments (100+) 3. What is the difference between efficacy and effectiveness? 4. Summarize Spotlight on Culture (100+) 5 What is the difference between integrative and eclectic? Book:  The required book is Essential Interviewing and Counseling Skills:  An […]

Law – Criminal Assignment 13Law – Criminal Assignment 13

 Please read Chapter 13, then: 1. Summarize the Chapter Review (200+) 2. Choose any 3 sections of the chapter other than that Chapter Review and summarize them (200+ each) BOOK:  The required book is Essential Interviewing and Counseling Skills:  An Integrated Approach to Practice, 2nd Edition, by Tracy Prout, Melanie J. Wadkins, and Tatianna Kufferath-Lin, […]

Law – Criminal Assignment 12Law – Criminal Assignment 12

  Please read chapter 11, then: 1. Summarize the Chapter Review 200+) 2. What is termination? 3. Summarized the first paragraph under the heading Termination Issues(50+ 4. Please summarize the first paragraph under the heading Therapist-Initiated Premature Termination (100+) 5. Summarize the three paragraphs under the heading Interpersonal Psychotherapy (200+) Submit, and maybe plant some […]

Reflection 3Reflection 3

For this reflection , students are to identify a current event (2023) related to a topic addressed thus far in the textbook while analyzing such impacts and implications based upon the material provided in the course.  The goal of this exercise is to cultivate a higher level of critical thinking as it relates to the […]

Discussion 11Discussion 11

Central Florida has a lot going on all the time, and there are always going to be targets of opportunity. First, if you were given the task of identifying possible targets in the community, what would you include on your list, and why? Second, technology has advance significantly to help us catch terrorists. Are you […]

Week 11Week 11

Here is an example that actually occurred in Los Angeles, California. Alex’s Story Alex was a middle-class man in his early 30’s who was in the import-export business. He had a family with a wife and three young children. Alex was accused of shooting his former business partner in an attempted murder. Alex was innocent, […]