Discipline: Law - Criminal

Law – Criminal Assignment 9Law – Criminal Assignment 9

  Please read chapter 9, then: 1. Summarizes the Chapter Review (200+) 2. “What is transference, what is the difference between positive transference and negative transference, and is transference a psychodynamic concept? (hint regarding the last part of the question: if a concept originated in psychoanalytic theory, it is a psychodynamic concept. 3. Please summarize the […]

Law – Criminal Assignment 8Law – Criminal Assignment 8

 Welcome back! Please read Chapter 8, then: 1. Summarize the Chapter Review (200+) 2. Summarize the two paragraphs under the heading Assessment (100+) 3. Summarize Box 8.2 (50+) 4. Summarize the paragraph under the heading Diagnosis (100+) 5. What does DSM-5 stand for? 6. Summarize the four paragraphs under Treatment Plans (200+) The required book […]

Respond to Ciara PostRespond to Ciara Post

Hello Class,    I chose to write my discussion post on the Deviant Place Theory. I chose this certain theory because it stood out to me more than the others, due to the fact that it did not involve the victim influencing the crime in some way like the other theories. I think the the […]

Respond to Rae PostRespond to Rae Post

After reviewing the “Becoming a Victim” resources, I believe that routine activities theory best explains how people and businesses increase their odds of becoming victims of crime. This theory suggests that the likelihood of victimization is dependent on the convergence in time and space of three elements: a motivated offender, a suitable target, and the […]


Find a recent news story that addresses race and the American Bail System. Share the link with the class, and discuss what statistics shocked you, and why? What is the role of the prosecutor in addressing this issue daily?

db 2 ecodb 2 eco

  Consider how you felt about outsourcing before and after watching this YouTube video . Answer the following: a) Are there times where you feel it is still appropriate to ‘Buy American’? b) Justify one argument against outsourcing. c) Justify one argument in favor of outsourcing. d) Do you feel that focusing on our comparative […]