Discipline: Law - Criminal

Lab ExerciseLab Exercise

Lab Exercise #1 Latent Print Processing You will process 2 porous and 2 nonporous items for latent prints using supplies you are able to obtain as described below: 1. Black fingerprint powder 2. Crushed Charcoal 3. Unsweetened Cocoa 4. Corn Starch (last resort) 5. Fingerprint powdering brush or large make-up brush. 6. Clear wide scotch […]

Criminology/Criminal JusticeCriminology/Criminal Justice

Instructions Due by 11:59 PM, Sunday, Jan. 21. Purpose The goal of this assignment is for you to begin narrowing down your interest(s), focusing on a specific issue you intend to research throughout the course of this term. When conducting social science research, it is imperative that you construct good research questions to help you […]

Discussion QuestionDiscussion Question

Drug Use among Diversion Populations articles by Roberts (1999), Halkitis, Fischgrund, and Parsons(2005), and Marsiglia et al. (2004). Each of these articles describes a unique population of substance users. For each oriefly discuss the unique aspects of substance use, implications for treatment, and potential facilitators and barriers to treatment for these populations within the criminal justice system. […]


  Review the Impact Short Paper Prepare a brief paper synthesizing federal, state, and local legislation and/or regulations regarding the school safety-related points (Unsafe School Option) in No Child Left Behind. Summarize the review by offering an opinion about “why” our nation moved in the direction required by No Child Left Behind and how “persistently […]

Law – Criminal Assignment #1Law – Criminal Assignment #1

First identify the manner of death (homicide, suicide, accidental, or natural) for each of the following situations (a-f), then explain in detail your reasoning, and finally discuss what physical evidence may have been present at the crime scene and why. a. Blunt force trauma to the back of the head b. An elevated carboxyhemoglobin blood […]


  1. Why is the legal concept of jurisdiction important for the operation of American courts? 2. What is judicial self-restraint? 3. Who are the participants in criminal and civil cases, and what roles do they play in the dispute resolution process? 300 words and 2 references 


 Annotated Bibliography!   An annotation may include the following information: -A brief summary of the source -The source’s strengths and weaknesses -Its conclusions -Why the source is relevant in your field of study -Its relationships to other studies in the field -An evaluation of the research methodology (if applicable) -Information about the author’s background -Your […]

Operation Stop HackOperation Stop Hack

Introduction Suppose you have recently responded to your first computer forensic incident. The case in question involves a potential underground hacking ring, which the police, working in conjunction with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have been investigating for several years. It has since been determined that an IP address confirms that location, and the […]