Discipline: Law - Criminal


Scenario After 19 years of service, Paul was appointed as the warden of a small mixed-security prison in a rural community. He oversees 105 inmates and 51 staff members in a facility designed to hold 100 minimum and medium security prisoners. Over 80 percent of his correctional officers have three or more years experience on […]


Law enforcement is primarily the responsibility of local governments (57.6 percent of the nation’s law enforcement employees work at the local level). Do you think we should have a national police force like other countries? Why or why not. Support your opinion. “

Mass TransitMass Transit

  Question: Describe the security vulnerabilities of Mass Transit. What programs and systems are used to enhance Mass Transit Security. Using the context of your book and other sources, to help guide you: Your initial post should include the following: 400 words (PAY ATTENTION TO THIS) YOU MUST HAVE THE PROPER AMOUNT OF WORD COUNT […]

Privatized PrisonsPrivatized Prisons

  Prior to the 1980s, private prisons didn’t exist in the United States. But thanks to the Reagan administration’s War on Drugs, which led to harsher sentencing policies and higher rates of incarceration, the inmate population skyrocketed beyond the capacity of the nation’s existing prisons, a fact that corporations were quick to take advantage of. […]

Criminal diversityCriminal diversity

Where do you believe the U.S. criminal justice system is headed regarding multiculturalism and diversity when considering current affairs? We hear people asking for changes to be made to each part of the system. Describe what those changes are and what the potential is for the changes to succeed. At least four pgs long, not […]

Module 9 DiscussionModule 9 Discussion

  The US and Saudi Arabia have had close relations due to the amount of oil needed to keep America going. First, discuss how it makes you feel knowing that an ally we purchase oil from, funds numerous terrorist activities, and why? Second, should the US distance themselves from Saudi Arabia? Why or why not?


 During the semester, students will craft ten questions in support of conducting an interview with a security management professional.  The ten questions will be exploratory in nature as it relates to the position of the interviewee where the student will be able to glean additional information in regards to the interviewee’s duties and responsibilities as […]


 Define the concept of progressive discipline and discuss how it can be applied to an employee who in one year did the following: Fell asleep on duty. Misuse of issued patrol vehicle, i.e., conducting personal business while on duty in violation of policy. Improper use of computer to access sensitive company information without an official […]

Law – Criminal Assignment 8Law – Criminal Assignment 8

ANSWER EACH QUESTION SEPARATELY WITH ATTACHED REFERENCES  Question 1 Using proper APA format in at least 800 words, briefly discuss the evolution of fire investigations and its impact on arson cases. As well as, briefly provide an overview of the reliability of computer fire models at trial.  Question 2 Using proper APA format in at […]