Discipline: Law - Criminal


 Chapter 9 For this reflection, students are to identify a current event (2023) related to a topic addressed thus far in the textbook while analyzing such impacts and implications based upon the material provided in the course.  The goal of this exercise is to cultivate a higher level of critical thinking as it relates to […]

Law – Criminal Week 3 Assignment – Reflecting on Your Skills, Goals, and ExperiencesLaw – Criminal Week 3 Assignment – Reflecting on Your Skills, Goals, and Experiences

Instructions Complete and submit your assignment using the following steps: Step 1: Download and complete the Week 3 Assignment Template [DOCX] Download Week 3 Assignment Template [DOCX]. Step 2: Save the template as, YourName_WRK100_Week3_Reflection and submit it in Canvas in Week 3. Step 3: Submit your completed template below. Note: Review the Week 3 Assignment rubric […]

Discussion Module 5Discussion Module 5

  Open this document, Prisoners in 2020–Statistical Tables.Links to an external site. It is 50-pages long and I’m not asking you to read the whole document. However, it is full of information and I want you to peruse it and post ONE item of information that it is important to know or you found interesting when studying […]

Module 8 DiscussionModule 8 Discussion

HS Analysis Box 9-2 discusses the Pakistan/Taliban nuclear issue. A concern is that the Taliban controls part of Pakistan and the Pakistani government has been sympathetic to them in the past. With the US pulling out of Afghanistan in 2021, and the Taliban expanding their control of Afghanistan, the US won’t be there to monitor […]

week 7 tashaweek 7 tasha

  Please  identify the issue, provide examples and statistics to demonstrate the  extent of the issue, and provide solutions and implementation  strategies. Topic  ideas include: recruiting women and minorities into law enforcement,  recruiting and retaining Millennials, implementing body-worn cameras,  improving hiring practices and processes, reducing unethical conduct by  officers, combating the opioid epidemic, improving community […]


Then, read over “A Closer Look” on pages 21-22. Look up your local (or any) law enforcement agency online and compare their mission, vision, values, policies, and procedures to the ones presented in the chapter. What role does studying ethics play in carrying out these roles in law enforcement?  Please add the resources links


 What are the main objectives for emergency planning?  Determine whether UCF or another company of your choice has an emergency response plan.  Explain what emergency procedures the selected entity has for its staff in furtherance of advancing security management efforts. 

Respond To Hunter PostRespond To Hunter Post

Hunter Pavach Southern New Hampshire University 8-1 Discussion Dr. Melvin Richards Example of Technology Misuse: One common example of technology misuse in the criminal justice field is the misuse of surveillance technology, including facial recognition systems. For instance, law enforcement agencies have been known to misuse facial recognition technology for unwarranted surveillance and profiling of […]

Respond To Andrew PostRespond To Andrew Post

Andrew Haro Southern New Hampshire University Discussion 8 Dr. Melvin Richards October 16, 2023 Find an article depicting a specific example of technology misuse in the criminal justice field. The article that I found that depicts technology misuse in the criminal justice field is about how gunshot detection technology led to an innocent man being […]