Discipline: Law - Criminal

1-1 Module One Discussion: Assisting Victims1-1 Module One Discussion: Assisting Victims

For this first discussion, you will introduce yourself to your peers and discuss how a particular profession plays a role in victimology. Before participating in this discussion, review the different professional roles mentioned in the reading from Chapter 1 of your textbook and explore the career information provided in the Career Exploration resource. Complete the following […]

human traffickinghuman trafficking

 Write a five (5) page minimum, DOUBLE SPACED, 12-FONT TIMES ROMAN paper with references and sources cited in APA format.  Your cover sheet and your reference list are NOT included in the five page minimum.You may pick any topic related to the field of human exploitation but you must submit it to your instructor for approval […]

6-1 Discussion: Social Media Use6-1 Discussion: Social Media Use

In this discussion, you will explore how criminal justice professionals and offenders are using social media. As you create your initial post, consider the following quotation from Sgt. Jason Cullum of the Evansville, Indiana, police department: The use of social media has helped us identify suspects within minutes of an image being posted. The thought […]


Explain the difference between the “guardian” and the “soldier” mindsets as they relate to policing. How might the soldier mindset interfere with relationship building between police and citizens? 2)   How could body cameras on officers reduce problems between police and citizens? Are there ways that they could interfere with community policing and police problem solving […]

Criminal Justice/CriminologyCriminal Justice/Criminology

Instructions Module 1 Assignment Course Learning Objectives: Demonstrate the ability to identify and understand the basic ethical and philosophical tenets of criminal justice.  Instructions for this Assignment Purpose:  The purpose of this assignment is to apply concepts learned in Rushworth Kidder’s reading on right vs. right dilemmas to your own personal ethical dilemma. Materials: All Module […]

Social JusticeSocial Justice

This week’s writing assignment asks you to consider and apply your understanding of justice as it applies to the law. In paragraph form, using complete sentences, identify 3 distinctions between law and justice.  Explore the meaning of the phrase “equal justice under law” by explaining what that means.  Where does this phrase come from?  How […]