Discipline: Law - Criminal

Module 7 DiscussionModule 7 Discussion

 Please read the section in Chapter 8 titled “The NSA Revealed: The Case of Edward Snowden.” The Edward Snowden affair created a great deal of controversy. Some thought he was a hero for exposing NSA’s electronic spying on American citizens, while others thought he was a traitor. First, explain why you think he is either […]


 A Secret Service Special Agent in a local field office has asked you as the director of security for your company to become a member of a regional Electronic Crimes Task Force in your area.  What benefits are there to such membership?  Are there any drawbacks from participating?  Please explain. 


 please be sure to fully answer each question and support your answers with sources.  BOOK: Curtis, G. & McBride, R. (2011). Proactive Security Administration, 2nd. Ed.; ISBN- 13: 9780135071502 

Advanced seminar in criminal 7Advanced seminar in criminal 7

 Throughout this course, you will be utilizing and applying tactics, strategies, concepts of project management, and strategic planning in conjunction with a research project. All criminal justice agencies experience programs, planning and research that deal with current or future issues. Most organizations ask their leaders to develop initiatives for the current and future timeframe, which […]

Cybercrime 7Cybercrime 7

 Research and select a Digital Forensic Tool. The tool can be for digital storage devices or mobile devices. Explain the forensic tool’s capabilities as well as its strengths and weaknesses. Research some reviews of feedback from Forensic Examiners and make a pitch why your selected tool is the right tool for them. Discuss the pricing […]


 Read the following website https://www.scholastic.com/parents/family-life/parent-child/moving-day-preparing-children-big-move.html and apply a social process theory to further explain the challenges for a child adapting to the transition of moving. Make sure to discuss the theory in detail. Your paper should be 2-3 pages long double space and must be written in 12 pt times new roman font. 

Create CultCreate Cult

  Create your own cult ! As this is a very different discussion board, we shall have to play some of it by ear. However, think  what you have learned about cults from the book reading, the power point lecture, and the supplemental videos. When describing your cult to the class, here are some areas […]

Emergency ManagementEmergency Management

  Question: Define emergency management. Outline the differences between security and safety regarding our countries infrastructure. Using the context of your book and other sources, use the following to help guide you: A- Why is it important  B- What are its goals  C- How do they measure success? At least 3 sources