Discipline: Law - Criminal

crime and societycrime and society

  Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 9 and 10 from the required textbook. Select and then define a significant social issue faced by the justice system, evaluate the scope and consequences of the issue, and analyze society’s responses to the issue (including public policies and other less formal responses). Papers should […]

Law – Criminal Assignment 7Law – Criminal Assignment 7

Please read chapter 7, then: 1. Please list the first seven chapter titles (just write down the titles of the first seven chapters). 2. Define the Key Terms. 3. Summarized the Chapter Review(200+) 4. Kohut defined empathy as “__________”. (OK to be verbatim here.) 5.Please summarize the paragraph that contains the highlighted phrase ethnocultural empathy […]

Law – Criminal Assignment 6Law – Criminal Assignment 6

 Hi! Please read chapter 6, then: 1. Define the Key Terms. 2. Summarize the Chapter Review (100+) 3. Summarize any section of the chapter (200+) BOOK:  The required book is Essential Interviewing and Counseling Skills:  An Integrated Approach to Practice, 2nd Edition, by Tracy Prout, Melanie J. Wadkins, and Tatianna Kufferath-Lin, Springer Publishing, 2022, ISBN […]

Law – Criminal Assignment 5Law – Criminal Assignment 5

  Assignment 5 is here!  Please read chapter 5 (really), then: 1.What is an essential skill for all mental health professionals that requires a wide-ranging set of complex skills? 2.__________ is a process of establishing personal well-being by making choices that restore one’s sense of vitality and purpose. It is essential for all counseling professionals. […]

Law – Criminal Assignment 4Law – Criminal Assignment 4

  Please read chapter 4, and then: 1.  Summarize the Chapter Review (200+) 2. Define all of the Key Terms BOOK:  The required book is Essential Interviewing and Counseling Skills:  An Integrated Approach to Practice, 2nd Edition, by Tracy Prout, Melanie J. Wadkins, and Tatianna Kufferath-Lin, Springer Publishing, 2022, ISBN 978-0-8261-9265-3, or for the E […]

Discussions Module 3Discussions Module 3

  1. Visit the Judicial Learning CenterLinks to an external site.. Scroll down to the “Student Challenge.” Go through the six categories listed below. Take the quizzes. Types of Court Cases The Players in the Courtroom The Judge and the Jury Getting Ready For Trial Your Day in Court The Appeal Process Let’s refresh your […]


 View the website of the Florida Department of CorrectionsLinks to an external site.. There is lots of information available on this site. Find something you found interesting and post what you believe would be helpful for your classmates to know in this class.   CLASS: Criminal Sentencing 

Creative project 4Creative project 4

Detailed Instruction Section 1 Choose a literary work; then divide and categorize the work into sections / stanzas. Outline and discuss each section / stanza of the work. If there are important subtexts in the work you choose, be sure to include that information. Section 1 should be about 600 to 700 words total. Include […]