Discipline: Law - Criminal

Module 3 Question 3 The Victim’s Lifestyle and Bias in Sentencing DecisionsModule 3 Question 3 The Victim’s Lifestyle and Bias in Sentencing Decisions

 In your textbook, How Do Judges Decide, read the material in Box 3.2  on page 95 titled “The Victim’s Lifestyle and Bias in Sentencing Decisions.” Keep in mind that the case happened 30-years ago. Could this scenario happen today in 2023 in the criminal justice system?  Have we made progress in accepting alternative lifestyles? Have […]

Module 5 DiscussionModule 5 Discussion

 Chapter 6, Homeland Security and Terrorism According to Chapter 6 of our textbook there are a variety of terrorists that reside in the United States. First, discuss which of these groups are the most dangerous? And why? Second, should homeland security officials be as concerned with the various groups in the United States as they […]


 Describe how social engineering can be used to obtain physical access to a building or technological access to a network database containing classified information 300 words  BOOK: Curtis, G. & McBride, R. (2011). Proactive Security Administration, 2nd. Ed.; ISBN- 13: 9780135071502 


week 3 Project: Terrorist Tactics and Weapons This week, you take the role of an expert serving on a commission to predict the possible tactics and weapons of a terrorist group. Choose a terrorist group other than al-Qaeda. The group you choose should have a well-defined profile and a defined strategic position. Create a report […]

week3 discweek3 disc

This week, you examined the phenomenon of suicide bombers. These terrorists present an unusual challenge for counterterrorism and law enforcement officials. Examine the following aspects of these cases: What would make people surrender their lives for a cause? Do suicide bombers make a rational choice to sacrifice their lives, or does “brainwashing” have a role […]

tasha midterm (2)tasha midterm (2)

q1  discuss  in detail the two primary historical schools of thought presented in  this week’s lesson pertaining to criminology i.e., the classical and  positivist schools of criminology. No direct quotes should be utilized in the response.  Q2  discuss  in detail subcultural theory as it relates to delinquency and crime.  Further briefly without using quotes give […]

tasha midtermtasha midterm

Each question should be answered separately followed by a reference Q1  Discuss Sir Robert’s Peel’s principles of policing and their impact on today’s policing. Provide examples.   Q2  How  do law enforcement agencies recruit and hire the most qualified  candidates? Be sure to address the applicable federal laws that impact  the hiring process, effective recruiting […]

Answer 4 questionsAnswer 4 questions

Using proper APA format in at least 450 words, briefly discuss what legally constitutes exigent circumstances regarding searches and seizures. In addition, provide examples of police conduct that do not fall under the exigent circumstances rule and would therefore be in violation of the Fourth Amendment. Using proper APA format in at least 450 words, […]