Discipline: Law - Criminal

Respond to Patricia PostRespond to Patricia Post

Hello all, My name is Patricia, and I work for the Department of youth services. I currently have an associate degree in CJ, and I would like to continue with BA mainly because that is my area of interest and because, I feel that it is imperative for me as Black women raising Black children […]

week2 criminal justice planning innovationweek2 criminal justice planning innovation

Instructions Week 2 Project: Setting Goals and Objectives This week you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation that establishes the goal and explains the related objectives for the Fictionland Police Department. Your presentation should include: The goal statement specifying the desired outcome(s) to be obtained by the Fictionland Police Department. The specific objectives for goal(s) established […]

week2 applied professional projectweek2 applied professional project

Using your model study as a guide, compose and draft an introduction for your project. The introduction must introduce the problem statement that you have identified and the ways in which you intend to examine the problem statement. The introduction should comprise 2–4 paragraphs, including response to the following points: Define the general problem statement […]

Wk 2. Paper 1Wk 2. Paper 1

Describe at least three of the major theories of the cause of crime. How are they related? How do they differ? Which one seems to provide the best explanation as the cause of crime today? Support your argument with evidence from at least two sources, one of which may be the course text. Requirements: Paper […]


 Reflect on the article by Reinarman and Levine (2004). Describe ‘drug war mythology’ and how it is related to the idea of social construction. In your reflection, address relevance for individuals entering the criminal justice system. 


 conduct research on how to file a civil lawsuit in Indiana state court and federal court. Discuss the differences between the two different courts and the filing process. What determines whether you file a lawsuit at the state or federal level?  300 words and 2 resources