Discipline: Law - Criminal

3-1 Module Three Practice Activity: Technology and Community Relations3-1 Module Three Practice Activity: Technology and Community Relations

Overview In this assignment, you will explore technology and community relations. Relationship building and transparency are two major goals of law enforcement, and one means of achieving them is through the use of technology in the form of police department websites. You will analyze the effectiveness of two police department websites in achieving these goals […]

Module 4 DiscussionModule 4 Discussion

  Chapter 5, Homeland Security and Terrorism We discussed the seven strategies to deal with terrorism as: crushing terrorist groups unilaterally, crushing terrorist groups multilaterally, containment, defense, diversion, delegitimizing, and transforming terrorist breeding grounds. Discuss which of the strategies you think would be the most effective in dealing with the Taliban in Afghanistan. And, discuss […]

criminal justicecriminal justice

  Discuss four examples examples of deterrence you see every day. For each example, answer the following:  Which elements of deterrence are present in the sign? (Discuss each one individually.) What is the primary element used to deter? Is the emphasis of this element consistent with Beccaria’s argument? Explain your answer.

Week 3 journalWeek 3 journal

In your response, (minimum 250 words with sources cited in APA format) tell me about your impressions of Victory City and its creator.  What did you think about the creator’s claim of “no crime, no pollution, and no over-crowding?”  Also describe any aspects of this community that you would like to see in your project community.


 Chapter 1 of this text book describes four change arenas to facilitate Homeland Security as Legal Initiatives, Science and Technology, Information Sharing and Systems, and International Cooperation. List and discuss what you think are the most important 5 elements from these four change arenas. You should explain why you think each are important. Please list […]

Presenting ResearchPresenting Research

  For this discussion assignment, reflect on everything that you have experienced, throughout your degree program. Consider the following aspects of your experiences – and respond only to the points that apply to you: What might have helped you in the beginning of your Criminal Justice program that you wish you had known earlier? What […]


 Select a major corporation that operates on a global scale.  Identify the major assets of that company, its potential vulnerabilities, and external threats.  Suggest countermeasures that could be taken to protect the assets from loss or damage resulting from the vulnerabilities and threats. More than 300 words minimum 


What does JUSTICE mean to you?  What has shaped your ideas of justice?  Do you think our criminal justice system is “just”?  If so, why? If not, why not?