Discipline: Law - Criminal

Cybercrime 3Cybercrime 3

 Research a cyber application that protects individuals from identity theft, malicious viruses, or scams. What is the name of the application? Is the application free or is there a fee? How did you hear about the application? How affective is the application? Do you (or someone you know) use this application? Describe how this application […]

Cybercrime 3Cybercrime 3

 Research an Internet scam that has been recently in the news. What is the name of the scam? Describe the scam in detail. Is the scam local or international? What population does the scam target (e.g. elderly, children, professionals, etc.)? How did you hear about the scam? Do you know anyone who has been a […]

Discussion QuestionDiscussion Question

1. Name two things you learned in reading Chapter 7 of our textbook   2. After having read the Additional Resource article, discuss how this supplements your understanding of the physiological influence and impact of substance use on the brain.   3. Name another stigma regarding substance use and how does this week’s reading and discussion questions […]

Preparation 2Preparation 2

  Choose a topic that you are interested in and that your audience might be interested in. Format This outline should be at least 3 pages in length and use 12-point font. Use appropriate coordination and subordination. Use full sentences, including subjects and verbs for the main ideas or main points and the 1st order […]

Speech VideoSpeech Video

The speech should follow the guidelines provided in the course’s Assignment Expectations page and closely follow your Preparation Outline 1. Following submission, review your video. Provide a written self-evaluation comment discussing one strength and something about your speech you could work on/improve. Additionally, indicate your thesis statement. 


  Select one working paper that interests you from the Fragile Families website, Publications Archive | Future of Families and Child Wellbeing Study (princeton.edu)Links to an external site. download it, read and select out the salient points and forward it to the class on the discussion board using a power-point of 8-10 slides. 

Digital ForenicsDigital Forenics

  In this assignment, you will be assessed on your knowledge of scientific methodologies surrounding digital forensics. By exploring the details of this article, you will be able to explain how methodologies are applied to an investigation. Imagine you are a criminal investigator on a digital forensic case. You are asked by the task force […]

Law – Criminal Assignment 3Law – Criminal Assignment 3

  Here is assignment three people! Please read chapter 3 and then: 1. Summarize the Chapter Review (100+ words) 2. Define any 10 Key Terms. 3. Define any 3 defense mechanisms. 4. Please explain Figure 3.2 5. Choose any section of the chapter and summarize it (200+ words) book:  The required book is Essential Interviewing and […]

Law – Criminal Assignment 2Law – Criminal Assignment 2

 Please read chapter 2, then: 1. Summarizes the Chapter Review (200+) 2. Defined any 10 Key Terms found in the back of the chapter. 3. Choose any three sections of the chapter  and summarizes them (100+ words per summary) BOOK:  The required book is Essential Interviewing and Counseling Skills:  An Integrated Approach to Practice, 2nd […]