Discipline: Law - Criminal

SWAT TeamsSWAT Teams

1. How do you feel that the public perceives SWAT teams? 2. Will future technology enable us to abolish SWAT teams in law enforcement? (Explain in detail) 3. If these teams were abolished, what would be the consequences on law enforcement and the public they serve?  (Example: Would the average officer be able to handle […]

Advanced seminar in criminal 2Advanced seminar in criminal 2

 This is the first section of your Final Project. Please write the introduction portion of your final research project, proposing a non-experimental research topic rooted in a law enforcement issue. (See the suggested topics provided in Unit 1 for inspiration.) This paper should include the following topics: Identify an agency or organization, where you would […]

Advanced seminar in criminal 2Advanced seminar in criminal 2

 Look up ethical issues during research and briefly discuss your findings. Please include the following: What are some of the ethical issues that may occur during your research? Why would that have any bearing on your research and obtaining the end result? What considerations did you encounter in your planning? Did you determine what data […]

Cybercrime 2Cybercrime 2

  Post your own definition of cyberterrorism. Provide a real-life example of an incident that has occurred in recent history that fits your definition. Explain the incident and how it relates to cyberterrorism

Cybercrime 2Cybercrime 2

 There are numerous notable cases that involve hacking in recent years. Discuss the different types of hackers.Research a known hacker. Discuss the following: What type of sub-culture status did your hacker achieve? How much media hype followed your hacker’s activities? What type of attacks did your hacker accomplish? How was the crime investigated?

Preparation outline 1Preparation outline 1

Topic Choose a topic that you are interested in and that your audience might be interested in. Format This outline must be at least 3 pages long and use 12-point font. Use appropriate coordination and subordination. Use full sentences, including subjects and verbs for the main ideas or main points and the 1st order of […]

Creative Project 2Creative Project 2

  Detailed Project Instructions Section 1 Choose a topic from the course (Music and Literature, Music and the Stage, Music and Art, etc.), then choose a theme within that topic. Discuss your reason for choosing this theme, how it fits into the topic of your choice, and the musical elements you will look for as […]


Week 5 Project: Collaborations for Homeland Security The tasks related to securing the homeland and its critical infrastructure are shared among many organizations. Several universities participate in research projects in conjunction with the DHS. Additionally, other departments in the government have jurisdiction over certain elements of the critical infrastructure. Describe one academic institution helping to […]

week5 discweek5 disc

Anti-Terrorist Actions and Civil Liberties The battle against terrorism and organized crime has led some to advocate stricter police actions. One visible change that followed 9/11 was the enhanced airport security procedures, such as removing shoes for inspection. Determining the extent to which police and government should go in order to gather intelligence or conduct […]