Discipline: Law - Criminal


 List the various databases and other sources utilized in their search for information on this topic.  My thesis will be on- “Proper Policing with an emphasis on better training police officers from inception to the newer technologies we have to hold police officers accountable for wrongdoing.” List two helpful hints they feel will aid them […]


Instructions Due by 11:59 PM, Sunday, Jan. 14 Purpose In this course, you will complete a literature review and mini research project based on your interests. You will then build on your work and apply it to relevant assignments in CRJU 4800 Senior Capstone. The assignments in this course are scaffolded, which means that they […]


Week 1 Project: (Final Project Assignment) Problem Identification Study the Final Project scenario carefully. Your first task is to analyze the problem and develop a plan for need analysis. In this problem identification document, please include the following information: How would you document the need for change? What data would you collect and analyze in […]

week1 discweek1 disc

Imagine that a new education program was created to service inmates who do not hold a high school diploma. The inmate population is approximately 1500 on any given day, and only 10 percent are serving life sentences. The majority of inmates will be released within 3 years, and the average age of the inmate population […]


  Please read and review the following:   Jimerson, Nickerson, Mayer, & Furlong (2012), Section 1, Ch. 3 of the text. Developing safe, supportive, and effective schools: Facilitating student success to reduce school violence, p. 27-44. Next, review Table 3.2 Implications for Practice: Comprehensive Plans to Promote Student Safety, Support, and Achievement. Discussion Question: Select one […]

Safe School Climate & CultureSafe School Climate & Culture

   Review the impact Prepare a brief paper synthesizing federal, state, and local legislation and/or regulations regarding the school safety related points (Unsafe School Option) in No Child Left Behind.  Summarize the review by offering an opinion about “why” our nation moved in the direction required by No Child Left Behind and how “persistently dangerous […]