Discipline: Law - Criminal

Criminal JusticeCriminal Justice

 What are the four main sources of law? Please define and give an example of each. How have the definitions changed over time, if at all?  Please make sure you also summarize your analysis of each of the examples you have cited for the class and tell us something new that you discovered about each.  […]

DB 6DB 6

  In a jury trial, potential jurors are selected from a cross section of the local community. There is no requirement to have a certain education or background. The only requirement is to be a person of reasonable intelligence, who is not biased. For this discussion, respond to the following: Do you think citizens drawn […]


 What are the four main sources of law? Please define and give an example of each. How have the definitions changed over time, if at all?  Please make sure you also summarize your analysis of each of the examples you have cited for the class and tell us something new that you discovered about each.  […]

Program Evaluation PlanProgram Evaluation Plan

Program Description (Including a description of the program, population served, activities of the program, and program expected outcomes) Evaluation Preparation (Including theoretical basis for the program, selected evaluation model or framework, Logic Model, sources of data, and methods of data collection/analysis) Evaluation Reporting (Including Reporting/dissemination of the evaluation findings, ethical considerations, and communication to staff […]

Final paper (pt.2)Final paper (pt.2)

The Final Paper is worth 200 points. You are required to visit a reputable art museum in your area and select a work of art to discuss and critique in a formal, iconographic, and historical context. Your grade will be based on the depth of your analysis of the subject.