Discipline: Law - Criminal

6-2 Project Two: Data6-2 Project Two: Data

SCS 285 Project Two Guidelines and Rubric Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Analyze the benefits and drawbacks of collecting various types of data Scenario You have recently applied for another position in the company you work for and have been called in for a second interview! For […]

Corrections & RehabilitationCorrections & Rehabilitation

  During this Capstone course, you identified an issue in the Criminal Justice field, conducted background research about it, examined and developed ideas to address it, and finally, you developed (or are developing) solutions to present to stakeholders. For this Discussion Board assignment, you will reflect on all that you have done thus far in […]

DB 5 surveyDB 5 survey

  The Judicial Division and the Standing Committee on Judicial Independence completed the first online, fully searchable diversity database. (https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/judicial-diversity-resource-page)The database, the only one of its kind, provides the current composition of minority judges on the state bench, both nationwide, by level of court and by method of judicial selection used by the states. Review […]

6-1 Discussion: Make Your Case6-1 Discussion: Make Your Case

The ACLU report, Caught in the Net: The Impact of Drug Policies on Women and Families, states: “The war on drugs now reaches beyond those using or addicted to drugs, targeting individuals unwittingly, unknowingly, or peripherally involved in drug related activity. This widening of the net has had the effect of capturing more women, particularly […]

Sentencing GoalsSentencing Goals

Compare the five main goals of sentencing: retribution, incapacitation, deterrence, rehabilitation, and restoration. In your opinion, how does each sentencing goal help achieve justice? Which sentencing goal do you think is most important and why? Which one do you think is least important and why?


Utilizing identified criminal justice prevention program- identify your program and its goals, identify which Types of Costs, are present in your program and how these factors can inform Cost Benefits Analyses in a potential program evaluation.

Final paper ( Art,)Final paper ( Art,)

Your Final Paper is an investigation of a work of art and the artist who created it. You must visit a reputable local art museum and select a work of art to discuss and critique in a formal, iconographic, and historical context. The Final Paper is worth 200 points. Your grade will be based on […]

Creative ProjectCreative Project

 This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™.Instructions Open the Creative Project Expectations and read through the requirements including the specific information related to your approved topic. A grading rubric is also available. Submit the rough draft of your project with all sections completed to the Dropbox. Include any questions you may have as you are moving […]