Discipline: Law - Criminal

Case studyCase study

 Locate an article that discusses a specific incident of ethical violations on the part of a police or corrections officer. The article must include a real case relating to an officer who did not adhere to his or her agency’s code of ethics. The article should be no more than 5 years old, and the […]


Post and discuss two to three current issues and trends in Criminal Justice they feel may be an interesting topic to tackle for this course. Students are to also construct an argumentative thesis statement on the issues selected and discuss them.  Must be 500 words and 2-3 citations. 


 What are the four main sources of law? Please define and give an example of each. How have the definitions changed over time, if at all?  Please share your thoughts about how conducting legal research on this topic helps you to better understand it.   Please make sure you also summarize your analysis of each of […]


Week 5 Project: Hurricane Katrina Evaluation and Recommendations In this second assignment, you will apply what you learned in this course to evaluate the Katrina response and make recommendations. Fully cover the following required topics: Evaluations: Identify the specific policies and procedures which failed during Hurricane Katrina. Address how governmental policies failed to protect the […]

week5 discussionweek5 discussion

Probable Future Threat Given the numerous natural and human-made disasters witnessed by US citizens over the past 25 years, provide your assessment of the type of threat America should be preparing for in the future. Will global warming have an impact? Be specific in your response. What does the future hold for emergency management in […]

summary powerpointsummary powerpoint

  In the field, you will need to be able to communicate the results of your evaluation in a way that guides stakeholders through your process, extends understanding of your conclusions, and provokes questions and ideas that pave the way for future evaluation and change. You have already drafted an executive summary to use as […]


The Asian Tsunami On December 26, 2004, an undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 9.3 on the Richter scale occurred off the west coast of Indonesia. It triggered a devastating tsunami (known as the Asian Tsunami). With waves exceeding 100 feet, this tsunami killed more than 275,000 people in 11 countries. This international incident was […]


Response to International Disasters Is the United Nations the organization best suited to coordinate the response to international disasters? Why or why not? If not, who do you believe should be given the task of such coordination? The Posse Comitatus Act limits the involvement of the US military in domestic operations but not international disasters. […]