Discipline: Law - Criminal

CO201 Week 1 2023CO201 Week 1 2023

What is Conflict When you think of the word conflict, what comes to mind?  Write down every word you associate with conflict—around 10 things.  Then, ask three people the same question, but do not share responses with them. Next, put the words into two columns, one positive and one negative.  What do you notice?  Finally, answer these […]

Law – Criminal VRI AssignmentLaw – Criminal VRI Assignment

  Link to the Religious Institutions local to St. Leo for the VRI Assignment  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sI_YsMsQz_0WiAbxrxenuQTmsip-5PugI0G-4-NdKw8/edit?usp=sharing (see attached document for the list) Key points for writing a successful VRI Paper for Dr. H Interview someone who is not the same religion as you Write a paper that is at least 750 words long. Focus your paper […]

religion db 8religion db 8

 Describe what you think the goal of interfaith dialogue is? It is possible to have admiration for other religious people or ideas while also completely disagreeing with aspects of their tradition? Have you ever cooperated or worked together on a task with people from other traditions? Explain. 

WA 3WA 3

  Compare and contrast two events motivated by incentives, one where the self-interested behavior was good for society and the other where it was bad. Click Writing Assignment Guidelines and Rubric for further directions and requirements.

DB 8DB 8

  After watching the Freakonomics video clip on the incentives that sumo wrestlers face, it shows that there are times when rational people will choose to cheat in order to get a greater payoff. Has there ever been a situation that you faced where the incentives before you were such that the cheaters had an […]

Respond to Marisa postRespond to Marisa post

Hello Classmates, The criminal justice profession I chose for the Module One discussion was a police officer. The reason I originally chose this career was because our textbook states that law enforcement is the first contact a victim of crime has with the criminal justice system after victimization (Takahashi & James, 2018, p. 13). Police officers […]


  Please choose any three sections of the book that have not been addressed in any of the previous assignments and write a 200+ word summary for each section you choose.   BOOK:  The required book is Essential Interviewing and Counseling Skills:  An Integrated Approach to Practice, 2nd Edition, by Tracy Prout, Melanie J. Wadkins, and Tatianna […]

Due 12/9/23Due 12/9/23

 **3 Pages** On March 24, 2021, Governor Ralph Northam signed a bill into law that repeals the death penalty in the Commonwealth of Virginia.  This is your opportunity to express how you personally feel about the legislation. 3 PAGES on the legislation.  Please write 3 PAGES that includes your responses to each of the following […]

short answershort answer

  In 2017, the City of Chicago made sweeping changes to its use of force policies following a scathing Justice Department report after the 2014 killing of Laquan McDonald. The report stated that the city routinely violated the constitutional rights of residents. After reading the article below, which is a required unit resource for this […]