Discipline: Law - Criminal

8-1 Project Three Submission8-1 Project Three Submission

Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Describe the role that empathy plays in the decision-making processes used across criminal justice professions Scenario You are a correctional counselor for a youthful offender program. You are to create a written report to your supervisor about the case you are working […]

Respond to Kate postRespond to Kate post

In Module One, I chose the career of a federal intelligence analyst. Throughout this course, my thought process regarding this career’s role in victimology has developed significantly. Initially, I viewed the role primarily as national security and intelligence gathering. However, I now recognize intelligence activities’ impact on individuals and communities, making victimology an essential aspect […]

Respond to Marisa PostRespond to Marisa Post

Another famous high-profile case impacted by the media was the case of Pamela Smart. In 1990, 24-year-old Greggory Smart was fatally shot in the head by two teenage boys during a burglary gone wrong. However, as the investigation progressed we learned that his wife, 22-year-old Pamela Smart had been having an affair with 15-year-old William […]

Respond to Jacob postRespond to Jacob post

I chose the Ted Bundy case. Young women expressed empathy in the case because they considered Bundy to have “movie-star good looks.” Women also sent love letters and attended his trial to see him in person, even after learning of the heinous crimes he had committed. I think members of the public, specifically women, were […]

Current Events JournalCurrent Events Journal

Students are expected to keep a journal on current issues related to constitutional criminal law. Each student will be required to compile a journal of their readings on current events (nothing over 6 months old) in the criminal justice field, specific to constitutional issues in the news. The journal will include the original article and […]


BOOK: Curtis, G. & McBride, R. (2011). Proactive Security Administration, 2nd. Ed.; ISBN-13: 9780135071502   PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT 


Two assignments in this course will combine to produce an in-depth analysis of the preparedness, communication, mitigation, response, and recovery coordination among the various public safety and private sector organizations involved in Hurricane Katrina. It will also include a detailed assessment of the Incident Command System (ICS) process used. These assignments give you an opportunity […]