Discipline: Law - Criminal


Types of Hazards, Information, Evacuation In your opinion, why does the ODP focus its preparedness efforts on terrorism? Should preparedness activities funded by the ODP be for all hazards? Why or why not? Other than the media and risk managers, where do you get your information about hazards, risks, and disasters? How do you determine […]


Incident Command System (ICS) On August 24, 1992, Hurricane Andrew, a category-four hurricane, slammed into Dade County in South Florida. In the first few weeks after Andrew, it became evident the federal and local management of the disaster was uncoordinated, confused, and inadequate. In fact, Hurricane Andrew is often used as an example of what […]


Presidential Disaster Declaration Should there be stricter guidelines concerning what events the president of the United States can declare disasters? Why or why not? What is the significance of an official disaster declaration, either by the president or a governor? Research the last time the National Guard was activated and deployed any state to respond […]

Respond to Richard PostRespond to Richard Post

Hello class, Minnesota is the state that I will be looking into this is where I live. When I look at the violent crime data from 2022 in Minnesota it shows 280.6 compared to the United States average which is 380.7. The list of data only went back to 1985 and ended in 2022 for […]

criminal justicecriminal justice

You will turn your final project into a video presentation. In this presentation, you will explain your final briefing topic, as well as the three most important lessons you learned in this course in a 4-6 minute video presentation. You will then post your video into the discussion. Reply to a minimum of 2 classmates […]

Implement DesignImplement Design

  You have fine-tuned your identification of goals and objectives for both your targeted program and the evaluation you are prescribing. Your peers and supervisor have encouraged you to build your presentation for the stakeholder’s meeting by spending more time on the implementation plan. Your goal is to prepare an additional 15–20 slides (with comprehensive […]

Scholarly book reviewScholarly book review

Write a scholarly book review on Out-of-Control CriminalJustice by Daniel P. Mears. For this assignment, you must cite at least five peer-reviewed articles, not books, in your review. You may cite books but you have to have at least 5 peer reviewed articles. The articles students cite should be relevantand timely (e.g. no older than […]

Treatment proposalTreatment proposal

You are charged by your agency to develop your own substance abuse treatment model for criminal offenders. Based on the readings from the course, present a proposal for what the treatment model would look like. Be sure to focus on a specific population (e.g., adolescents, adults) and a specific drug population (alcoholic, heroin addict, etc.) […]