Discipline: Law - Criminal


 Discussion 1 asks us to do four things at once: It asks us to do some research about technical writing in the school library, identify the fictional company and product you’ll write your class assignments for this term, identify a real-world competitor to your company and its product, and introduce yourself to us all personally.  


 As we learned during Week 1, the courts create common law. Common law is composed of published case opinions, which we find in legal libraries. Legal libraries can now be accessed online, making legal research much easier to conduct than in the past. 

Law – Criminal LSTD W1 Access to Justice AssignmentLaw – Criminal LSTD W1 Access to Justice Assignment

 Accessing justice starts with being able to access the courts and documents filed therein.  The U.S. Federal Courts System utilizes online filing for all of its cases, whether they be civil, criminal, bankruptcy or related to patents.  This system is called PACER:  Public Access to Court Electronic Records.  Attorneys and their legal assistants will file […]

LSTD W1 What is LawLSTD W1 What is Law

 What are the four main sources of law? Please define and give an example of each. How have the definitions changed over time, if at all?  Please make sure you also summarize your analysis of each of the examples you have cited for the class and tell us something new that you discovered about each.  […]

Discussion boardDiscussion board

 Research Aafia Siddiqui, her background, her arrest, and her prosecution. In your research for outside sources pay attention to the materials in addition to maps, etc., found on her person during her arrest in Afghanistan. Focus on whether she is a terrorist or not, separate from the outcome of her trial. (A simple Google is […]

Law – Criminal Research Paper: Final AssignmentLaw – Criminal Research Paper: Final Assignment

  ESEARCH PAPER: FINAL ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The Research Paper will be completed in 3 parts— Research Paper: Bibliography Assignment, Research Paper: Topic and Outline Assignment, and Research Paper: Final Assignment. You will choose the topic you write on, but your topic must be directly related to the study of terrorism or homeland security. INSTRUCTIONS […]

Discussion boardDiscussion board

 Following the homegrown jihadist terrorist attacks in Orlando and San Bernardino, there is a growing debate about the relationship between community policing and homeland security. Is community policing a tool that should be applied to homeland security? Why or why not? 

Law – Criminal Research Paper: Final AssignmentLaw – Criminal Research Paper: Final Assignment

  RESEARCH PAPER: FINAL ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW A criminal justice research paper developed at the 300-level requires much careful consideration and commitment to scholarly development. The research paper must be properly written with minimal grammatical and content errors. INSTRUCTIONS You will write a 5–7-page research paper in current APA format. Your research paper must have […]

Discussion boardDiscussion board

  Please post your answers to the following questions: In Lecture Notes: Difficult Decision-Making, consider my decision to search the residence for the fugitive. What is your opinion? Do you conduct yourselves as if you are on video at all times? Have you done things that you would not do in front of your grandmother? […]