Discipline: Law

Week 4 chatWeek 4 chat

Post 1: What Have You Learned?Given what you learned in the assigned readings/video, answer the following questions: Describe your impressions of the article on technology and overpopulation.  What school of thought are you most comfortable with and why; the bigger pie school, the fewer forks school, or the better manners school?  Briefly describe your impressions of […]

Week 3 chatWeek 3 chat

Using the assigned article and the article you located on Brain Gain/Brain Drain, answer the following questions: What is brain-gain and what cities are affected? Do you have a brain gain city in your state? What type of businesses recruit in brain gain cities? What cities are losing because of brain gain? And finally, would you […]

unit 4unit 4

  Title Page – APA formatted. Introduction to the Problem –  – This is where you analyze the issues or problems in your chosen Capstone topic. You may reuse your IP1 paper for this part of your Capstone paper, as long as you make any applicable updates, based upon your research and edit it so […]


  Recently the Legislative branch considered whether to try to expand the Supreme Court by adding 4 new seats to the Court to make 13 justices instead of 9 justices. The Constitution does not outline specifically how many justices must be appointed. Some have argued that this could “pack the court” with liberal justices. Others […]