Discipline: Law

Week 1Week 1

Research and discuss two different types of services offered to victims in the criminal justice system and human services. Can these services be improved upon and if so, how?

crjs475 IPcrjs475 IP

  A forensic unit within a federal crime lab has been tasked with the investigation of an individual who is suspected of the manufacturing, transportation, and sale of illegal fireworks explosives. Upon responding to a fire at the suspect’s house, firefighters discover 2.5 tons of explosives, and therefore, put out the fire from a distance. […]

crjs475 dpcrjs475 dp

  Your company, AB Investigative Services (ABIS) has been contacted by a prominent state law enforcement agency concerning the need to discuss, in a high-level meeting, specific computer-related forensics tools and their functions when governing the seizures of computers and other technology. On behalf of your ABIS, you will conduct a training meeting for 25 […]

Week 5 HomicideWeek 5 Homicide

  1)Scott breaks into a house with the intentions of stealing some jewelry. He is surprised that the owner is at home, grabs his gun, and fatally shoots him. What charge can be filed against Scott? Discuss why.   2) Brett sneaks into a warehouse intent on theft and is surprised by a security guard, whom […]


some insight regarding law enforcement and criminological theories, how do you feel that the law enforcement profession has changed throughout the years based on the theories that you have learned?  It is better, worse, the same?  Please state your opinion by infusing A FEW of the theories that you learned throughout this course. Directions: The […]


Out of the three aspect of the criminal justice system (policing, courts, and corrections), briefly discuss about courts and corrections in your local community. Identify one deficiency within your chosen area and explain how you would improve that deficiency. Why did you choose this particular deficiency? Entry must be at least 200 words in length. […]

week 4 journalweek 4 journal

All questions are worth 20 points: Explain the Zimbardo experiment and what it might imply for correctional professionals. Is the parole officer’s role to help the parolee stay out of prison or is it to simply identify any violation? If the parolee stumbles should the officers promptly return them to prison? You are a prison […]

week 4 cj chatweek 4 cj chat

You have some real concerns about your co-worker’s treatment of offenders.  You hear him screaming obscenities at them in his office, and one time you saw him pat a female probationer on the rear end and say, “Be sweet to me and I’ll keep you out of jail.”  On the other hand, no one else […]

week 3 journalweek 3 journal

All questions are worth 20 points:   If you are an attorney, is there a point where nonlegal moral considerations supersede your ethical commitment to your client? If you were a defense lawyer and your client was innocent, but you could not prove it, would you violate ethical barriers in service to your client? Are […]

week 3 cj chatweek 3 cj chat

What if you were part of the Innocence Project; what would you do if you only had the resources to help one falsely accused person? What criteria would you use to decide who to help? What severity or length of sentence would you consider? *Be sure to discuss a case that the Innocence Project has […]