Discipline: Law

week 2 journalweek 2 journal

All questions are worth 20 points:  Is being both a crime fighter and a public servant too much to ask of the police? Does society need to choose what they want police to be, or are both reasonable to expect? Be sure to explain your answer, providing examples as needed. Discuss the use of Tasers […]

week 2 cj chatweek 2 cj chat

As a patrol officer, you are only doing your job when you stop a car for running a red light.  Unfortunately, the driver of the car happens to be the mayor.  You give her a ticket anyway, but the next morning you get called into the captain’s office and told in no uncertain terms that […]

case reviewcase review

 Thapa v. St. Cloud orthopedics,   File date, identify the plaintiff, the defendant, legal claims/ground by which the case was brought; identify the type of court hearing the case; the defense argument submitted; indicate the current status of the case and or the outcome of the case; how does the case affect or relate to the […]

Unit two responseUnit two response

Submit a two-pagewe textbook response to the following:  Now that online counseling is allowed in all states, apply the AMHCA (pg. 175) or ACA ethic codes regarding how you could use online counseling in an ethical manner. What are your personal thoughts on the use of technology in counseling (smartphones to be in contact with […]


paper   Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content. However, a minimum of 8 scholarly sources are required. Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double spa


 ****ANSWER QUESTION 250 WORDS MIN*** Discussion Questions: Discuss the similarities and/or differences between the external borders of European Union (EU), the U.S. – Mexico border, and the U.S.-Canadian border? Explain how the borders within the EU have changed since the “Cold War”?  ****REPLY TO EACH POST 100 WORDS MIN EACH**** 1. As we head into […]


  Prior to posting your primary response to this discussion watch The First AmendmentLinks to an external site. and the 002 History of US law and what is the law?Links to an external site. videos and review all the one-page Supreme Court decisions listed in the Required Resources section. Respond to the following case scenario: […]


  Prior to posting your primary response to this discussion, watch The First AmendmentLinks to an external site. video and read the First AmendmentLinks to an external site. article, Free Speech and Democracy in the Video AgeLinks to an external site. article, and review all the one-page Supreme Court decisions listed in the Required Resources section. […]

Week 4 DBWeek 4 DB

1. discuss in detail the two primary historical schools of thought presented in this week’s lesson pertaining to criminology i.e., the classical and positivist schools of criminology. No direct quotes should be utilized in the response. 2. discuss in detail subcultural theory as it relates to delinquency and crime. Further briefly without using quotes give […]


  After establishing probable cause, your company, AB Investigative Services (ABIS), has been contacted by a prominent state law enforcement agency. Investigators do not understand the specifics of processing digital evidence or analyzing digital evidence. As an ABIS investigator, you will need go to the scene and provide guidance concerning the identification of digital evidence […]