Discipline: Law


 Each member of the team should research one of the topics from the assignment description and make several key recommendations for their area. Apply your learning in technology coursework, personal experience, and Internet research to make recommendations in each of these areas. Where you do not have sufficient background information from the case study, you […]


  The state crime lab has contracted AB Investigative Services (ABIS) to prepare a forensic plan to ensure that current problems with computer forensic investigations are erased and training is provided. An initial ABIS audit shows that many areas of the lab are not prepared to conduct extensive computer forensic evidence collection. You have been […]

Ethics 6Ethics 6

 You are going to discuss affirmative action in terms of a current event. Your initial post and peer reply should each consist of approximately 150-200 words.  Find a current event that deals with affirmative action and discuss it here 

Legal ethicsLegal ethics

Submit a two-pagee textbook response to how the counselor could have upheld her personal beliefs while not violating the school’s policies in Grossman v. South Shore Public School District, 2007, on page 73 of the text. In contrast, what are your thoughts on the “freedom of conscience” clauses in some states legislation (page 78). Do […]

Why knowledge of law and ethics is important to healthcare practitioners and managers?Why knowledge of law and ethics is important to healthcare practitioners and managers?

 Explain why knowledge of law and ethics is important to healthcare practitioners and managers.  Discuss the relationship between law and ethics.  Lastly, what are the primary sources of law? Use APA formatting and cite at least two (2) scholarly references published within the last 5 years to substantiate your work.

crjs390 unit 3crjs390 unit 3

  You are the senior veteran partner of a special highway patrol unit that is working a major interstate that is a corridor for drug and gun smuggling. Your partner has the highest marks ever in the academy and has a great civilian education in criminology. He knows the laws and regulations by heart. He is a staunch […]

crjs455 ipcrjs455 ip

  Students will analyze the conflict that law enforcement officers pose when investigating one of their own. Because police officers have immunity, justification for not prosecuting is often given to the prosecution. The Botham Jean case is a perfect example of why law enforcement officers should not have the power to investigate their own. Even […]

Private SecurityPrivate Security

   My assignment is on Undercover Operation Course I’m taking is: Private Security  This assignment is to have an introduction, body and conclusion. References and citations are to be in APA format 7th edition when used in the assignment. Assignment is to be 6 pages in length of text material. Cover pages, abstracts, and references […]

week 1 journalweek 1 journal

All questions are worth 20 points:  Should governors have issued closure orders for all but essential businesses in the early spring of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic? Be sure to complete an ethical analysis that includes the following steps: identify the facts, identify the values and concepts, and identify dilemmas and resolve them. You are on […]