Discipline: Law


 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., identified the differences between “Just” and “Unjust” laws in the “Letter from the Birmingham Jail”. He referred to these differences as characteristics. Choose ONE of Dr. King’s characteristics of a Just or Unjust law that you find particularly interesting and explain why you are impressed by it. A copy of […]

CJ445 DPCJ445 DP

  In correctional settings across America, the risk-need-responsivity (RNR) model is actively used to assess offender security and programmatic needs. James (2018) discussed the Risk and Needs Assessment in the Federal Prison System in great detail. Please read this article using the following link: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R44087.pdf. Along with his research, as well as the information presented […]


Your professor suggested that “erratic behavior can be a powerful weapon” in a negotiation.  Do you agree or disagree?  What is the potential value in such behavior and what are the pitfalls?  Provide your thoughts in a paragraph or so. Reread pages 128 through 134 in the book.  Explain your position on the value (or […]


Suppose you are negotiating a settlement in a physician malpractice case where your client is the injured party in which you are aware of information about the physician which came to you through a source completely unrelated to the case.  The information involves the physician’s impending divorce, and his wife has apparently discovered some very […]


Respond to the brief scenario below.  You don’t have to know all the legal niceties, so don’t let that bother you.  I’m looking more for your analysis about how you will prepare yourself. Scenario: You will be negotiating with one of the most well known products liability lawyers in the country. You represent the manufacturer […]


2.  What are the five categories of conflict management styles and the five factor model of personality found in the book?  Briefly explain how you think knowing these things about yourself would help in negotiating. 3.  Review the discussion on pages 77-83 regarding goals versus bottom lines.  Explain whether you think this is a meaningful […]

Negotiations A1Negotiations A1

1.  Williams (pg 7-10) describes five steps for recovering from conflict: give me each step and a brief explanation of each step in your own words.  In what ways do you think Williams is correct and in what ways do you think Williams is incorrect? 2.  Describe the Rashomon Effect in your own words.  Does this effect […]

discussion postdiscussion post

RESPOND TO THIS The value of being inclusive, inviting individuals from all backgrounds, and utilizing the abilities of a diverse staff is something that successful businesses understand.  Since the world’s demographics are constantly shifting, most CEOs’ top priorities right now include appreciating and managing diversity and creating an inclusive workplace.  For this to occur, a […]


Contracts play an important part of all leasing, whether it be residential or commercial. It is important that the verbiage used on a contract be carefully examined in order to determine the rights and obligations of all parties. For all intents and purposes, presume the contract, as well as all addendums, has been properly signed, […]