Discipline: Law


   Question 3 Suppose the FBI declines to open a case and that the e-commerce company then calls a local Los Angeles law enforcement agcncy. How can the Los Angeles police obtain the evidence needed in the various other states (and Canada)—how could they obtain the records?

Law Assignment 5 wcLaw Assignment 5 wc

Dumpster, Inc. is a financial consulting company that, for a fee, advises clients how to manage and invest their money. Dumpster operates in the fictitious state of New Manitoba and has more than 30 employees and more than 1,000 clients. Last year, the company grossed approximately $3.2 in revenue and its owners netted about $500,000 […]

Law Assignment 4 wcLaw Assignment 4 wc

Vin and Geo were two stockbrokers who worked at an investment banking firm in New York. Unable to achieve their financial dreams through honest methods, they decided to earn a little extra on the side by ripping off some of their more gullible consumers. Together, they agreed to make a little extra money from some of […]

Law Assignment 3 wcLaw Assignment 3 wc

Jones, a New York building inspector who accepts bribes from developers is charged with violating the New York official misconduct statute. His trial in state court results in an acquittal. Smith, another building inspector who also accepts bribes, is later charged with official misconduct under the same statute, but the trial court dismisses the case […]

Law Assignment 2 wcLaw Assignment 2 wc

William Wentworth, a wealthy and influential business owner, had a vested interest in seeing his preferred candidate win the Senate election. Wentworth has unlimited monies but he is subject to the strict limits placed on individual contributions to one specific Senator’s campaigns. Wentworth asked all one hundred employees to write $1,000 personal checks in order […]

Law Assignment 1 – wcLaw Assignment 1 – wc

A-Copy Corporation sells copier toner over the telephone in bulk. A-Copy’s sales representatives solicit mail orders from targets through random sales calls that include frequent overt misrepresentations. Dan advised that he uses this device to get by those gatekeepers who answer the phone at these target companies and cold calling is really hard. Dan feels […]

crjs370 dpcrjs370 dp

  Outline some of the key challenges to countering terrorists’ illicit finance efforts. Explain why it is difficult to mitigate these activities. Discuss some of the various funding sources used by terrorist organizations to raise funds. Include both legitimate and illicit sources of revenue.


First watch Little Pink House (2018) based on Kelo v. City of New London, 545 U.S. 469 (2005), at: https://tubitv.com/movies/463611/little-pink-house After you have watched the movie, review the case opinion for Kelo v. City of New London, 545 U.S. 469 (2005), linked below, and then answer the following questions in your discussion post: What happened […]