Discipline: Law

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How do criminal convictions and/or the challenges of reentry (a) disproportionately impact individuals of color and (b) exacerbate issues of economic and social inequality that exist in distressed communities?

Term SheetTerm Sheet

Hello, Need to Prepare term sheet summaries for two project contracts in a manner similar to prior assignments. See the template provided. Need to identify the most important commercial, operational, and legal aspects necessary for a decision-maker to understand the contract. Thank You

crjs370 dpcrjs370 dp

  Domestic terrorism is noted for its lack of foreign involvement. There is a long history of domestic terrorism within the United States. Domestic terrorist organizations have arisen in a broad political context. For example, the emergence of hate crimes has blurred the characteristics that separate domestic terrorism and hate crimes. It should be recognized […]


  Forensic science begins at the crime scene. Based on the Locard principle, even the actions of the Crime Scene Investigator (CSI) may be destructive to evidence found at the scene. It is imperative that the actions of the CSI mitigate damaging the evidence as much as possible during collection, field processing, and packaging of the […]

DQ 3DQ 3

   General Instruction: There are eleven opportunities from which you may select your own prompt/question based upon your own interests (there are 5 choices under “A” below and 6 choices under “B” below. You may select any one of them. Having made your selection follow the instructions under “primary post” below. Do NOT answer all […]

Analyze a court case where a health care law violation occurred. Analyze the health care law that was violated in the selected case. Evaluate the implications of the selected law on the health care system.Analyze a court case where a health care law violation occurred. Analyze the health care law that was violated in the selected case. Evaluate the implications of the selected law on the health care system.

1 pg. Analyze a court case where a health care law violation occurred.   “The HIPAA Privacy Rule establishes national standards to protect individuals’ medical records”  One of the biggest security breaches ever was the cyber-attacks of 2015. In the year 2015 the HIPPA law act was violated through hackers over 78 million times. The […]

Case BriefCase Brief

Read and brief PGA Tour, Inc. v. Casey Martin. Also, comment on the court’s decision. In your opinion do you agree or disagree with the outcome? Justify your answer. Summarize another sports-related case dealing with the ADA in which the courts did not rule in favor of the individual. use the example attachment for format: […]


  A terrorist group’s objectives are the goals of the group’s underlying visions.  conduct research on a specific group of your choosing, and address the following: Classify and summarize the group’s underlying worldview and perspective (e.g., religious-based, political ideology, single-issue, and so on). Discuss how and why the terrorist group’s objectives are linked to its […]


  Crime laboratories started in Europe, when Dr. Edmond Locard, Director of the Crime Laboratory in Lyon, France, postulated the theory that an individual cannot enter or leave a location without leaving something of him- or herself behind and taking something from the location with him or her when leaving. This became the foundation for […]