Discipline: Law

week 4 discussionweek 4 discussion

Task: Respond to the following questions in four short paragraphs, one dedicated to each question. As you moved through this course, you were asked to complete various portions of research: proposal, outlines, annotated bibliography, and the research itself. These were designed to facilitate the process of learning about research and the steps that could/should be […]

Final response paperFinal response paper

Please review information in the document titled instructions.  To seriously consider your bid send me a clear message about what this assignment is about. due in 10 hours Or if you need more time. Due tomorrow!!  *I have attached a copy of my syllabus so that you can know the order of the readings and […]

week 3week 3

  Week 3 Deliverables Introduction Provide a short introduction to the topic. Provide some background about the topic selected and why it was selected. Include definitions as necessary. Use more than one paragraph, if needed. You will refine the introduction and background information when submitting the final paper in Week 5. Literature Review Conduct an […]

week 3 discussionweek 3 discussion

Select two of the scenarios listed below and explain the best solution for each. Include comments related to any ethical issues that arise.  Scenario 1—Contracts Dr. Delgado, a pediatrician entered into an employment agreement with the All Children’s Hospital.  According to the contract, after termination of her employment for any reason, Delgado could not compete […]

International Human RightsInternational Human Rights

  Develop a forward-looking framework for identifying and curtailing the risks of international human rights violations.  How would the themes identified in previous assignments pertain to a more proactive and restorative approach?  Or is it your opinion that the current system is sufficient to address global needs? Include at least 4 independent sources.


Purpose:This assignment will help you to:• chart the course of your argument and develop the sequence in which your supporting elements are explored. • integrate research from the sources in the Annotated Bibliography where they will best support your argument. • identify areas that need additional support. You can utilize your work from our Week 2 […]


Task: Use the Readings listed above to craft two original introductions. After each introduction, identify which type of introduction you tried to craft (i.e. analogy, statistics, drawing a contrast etc.) and your thoughts about it. Note: Introductions to formal research papers at the senior level do NOT need to be just one paragraph. However, the […]

Global issuesGlobal issues

Please thoroughly work on this assignment and include as much evidence from the power points as you can. I am missing out pp from week 1-7 and 12-14. But please familiarize yourself with the syllabus if that helps. Only use class resources please. open bid send amount. Negotiable