Discipline: Law

Law Writing AssignmentLaw Writing Assignment

  Once you have read the article, write 300-400 words on the following questions: 1. What aspect of common law is addressed in the article you chose?  What is the main theme of your article? Discuss. 2. What are three ideas the author presents that support the main theme of the article? 3. Common law […]

Week 7 Design MethodWeek 7 Design Method

Week 7: Design Method: Quasi-Experimental or non-Experimental Remember in your research proposal that you need to mention, if you are going to use an experimental or non-experimental approach. Discuss which approach you are considering for your research proposal and why. 

Week 7 discussionWeek 7 discussion

Domestic Terrorism 1) Research the Unabomber’s manifesto on the Internet and summarize something interesting from it. Provide the link to the website. 2) Is there something in the manifesto that you can sympathize with or is it all just ranting?  3) Compare Ted Kaczynski to the Boston Marathon bombers. Are there similarities?


Contract Law, remedies for breach: p. 280 Q 8.1  p. 343 Qs 9.20, 9.21  p. 347 Q 9.23  p. 354 Q 9.31  p. 359 Qs 9.32, 9.33  p. 361 Q 9.35

Week 3 HelpWeek 3 Help

Product liability law grew out of the notion of protecting consumers from deceptive advertisements of products and products that are unsafe and dangerous in the marketplace. Lawsuits for product liability actions are rooted in contract law and tort law. If a business sells a dangerous or defective product that can cause injuries to a customer, […]


Write a five (5) pg minimum, DOUBLE SPACED, 12-FONT TIMES ROMAN with references and sources cited in APA format.  Your cover sheet and your reference list are NOT included in the five-page minimum. You may pick any topic related to drugs TOPIC: MENTAL HEALTH RELATED TO DRUGS

week 3 journalweek 3 journal

All questions are worth 20 points: What is an addictive personality? Discuss some of the reasons that juveniles begin using drugs? What if anything can be done to deter juveniles from using drugs? Discuss why drug courts were first created and how they work with drug treatment programs? Compare and contrast the information and affective […]

case studycase study

review the attachment  to answer the following it needs to be 1 page no more than 2  overview: The Peterson v. Kennedy case study in this week’s instructional resources summarizes the injury grievance of James Peterson, an NFL player for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the mid- to late 1970s. The case, which involved terms […]


in 250-300 words answer the following with ref Professional sport leagues and player unions negotiate collective  bargaining agreements that include the terms and working conditions of  players in their respective leagues. Use this week’s resources and your  own resources to select a common labor relations issue that has  confronted the different professional sport leagues (NFL, […]