Discipline: Mathematics - Statistics

Research methodsResearch methods

Please make sure that your submission is in the APA format that you learned last semester.  Please include all your analysis to your paper. You can include them in the appendices section OR you can include them within the text.  Please write a brief abstract as well that is between 100 and 200 words that […]

quantitative Discussionquantitative Discussion

Using JASP or Excel you will run an one-way ANOVA analysis. Everyone (DO NOT INTERPRET):  Descriptive statistics tables for all variables you are investigating (share measure of center, spread, skewness, kurtosis) Post the following evidence, from your investigation,  according to the first letter of your LAST Name (DO NOT INTERPRET) If you are running One-Way ANOVA […]


1) Use the dataset attached to this assignment. Details regarding this dataset can be found here: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/monitoring/climate-at-a-glance/national/time-series 2) Perform the Times Series investigation in Excel Directions for are attached 


There are multiple spreadsheets in this workbook.  For this assignment, you may select which variables from which spreadsheet you would like to investigate.  Complete  Paste, Type, or highlight your responses directly in the attached document and beneath the question stem.  Follow the directions  attach in how to download the dataset for this assignment

Need answersNeed answers

What is the biggest disadvantage of summarizing the dispersion of a dataset with the variance? Question 1 options: The variance is sometimes twice the range. The variance is always twice the range. The units are in the original form. The units are squared. The value cannot be negative. The value always contains outliers. None of […]

I would like to use SAS to analyze belowI would like to use SAS to analyze below

  1. Descriptive statistics 2. Bivariate analysis of factors that are significant to Catastrophic Expenditure at 5% (Catas5i) 3. Logistic regression analysis of predictors of Catastrophic Expenditure at 5% (Catas5i) Independent variables: q101: SD/NSD        q103:  public/private facility q104: Secondary/tertiary facility    q110_pat_recode:  Age of patient recoded q111             […]

want discussionwant discussion

1) Select ONE continuous variable from the database. Name your variable 2) Select ONE categorical variable from the database. Generate a series of boxplots within ONE CHART which shows the spread of your continuous variable (from #1) for each group of your category variable.  It’s possible that Excel my handle this boxplot creation  task more […]