Discipline: Mathematics - Statistics

Project 1Project 1

 . Open Tableau  2. Open the Microsoft Excel worksheet titled Superstore Data  3. Click on the Data Source Tab and drag the Orders dimension from the left onto the  Sample – Superstore sheet. Continue to drag the People and Returns dimensions onto  the Sample – Superstore sheet. Look at how the tables connect through relationships […]

Applied Stat – Project 2Applied Stat – Project 2

Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Apply statistical techniques to address research problems Perform hypothesis testing to address an authentic problem Overview In this project, you will apply inference methods for means to test your hypotheses about the housing sales market for a region of the United States. […]


There are five (5) parts to completing your managerial report worth ten (10) points each. You will be using Excel’s functions to summarize and compute your sample statistics. Your written report must be done in Word about 2-3 pages in length. This assignment tests your knowledge on how Ito compute and interpret the sample mean, […]

Module 5 StatModule 5 Stat

DUE IN 12 HOURS – 4/9/23 Scenario You have been hired by the Regional Real Estate Company to help them analyze real estate data. One of the company’s Pacific region salespeople just returned to the office with a newly designed advertisement. The average cost per square foot of home sales based on this advertisement is […]


Instructions Suppose you are in the market to purchase a used car. To make an informed decision regarding your purchase, you would like to collect as much information as possible. Among the information you might consider is the typical price of the car, the typical number of miles the car should have, and its crash […]


 In response to your peers, comment on their answers and conclusions drawn. Is there anything you can add? What questions do you have or need for further clarification? Are there any similarities to the article you chose? 


 In this activity, you will be collecting some data and finding discrete statistics of the data by hand and using the TI calculator function. Overall, you should use complete sentences where possible, proper grammar, and cite any resources used. When naming your thread use your last name and the DF Module (ie., Rosenberry DF 1).You […]


post 1 (Binomial Probability) Choose a value for p between 0.20 and 0.80. It should have at least two decimal places. When you create the thread on Blackboard, put your p = your value in the title. I must be different from the other student’s p. Find the following binomial probabilities. Show all your work. […]


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Discussion 10Discussion 10

For your initial post: Use the Shapiro Library and identify a primary source, peer-reviewed public health or medical journal article that used any of the statistical methodologies covered in this class to analyze their data, and use it to respond to the following prompts:  State one of the research questions that the authors researched data […]