Discipline: Mathematics - Statistics

Statistics DBStatistics DB

 COMPLETE DISCUSSION FORUM POST 1 BEFORE POST 2 AND POST 3. See Assignment Summary for due dates. There is a 10 point penalty for submitting Post 1 after the due date. Post 1: Find the following values working each one by hand. Show each step! Use the methods given in the textbook. Collect a set […]


 Write each probability as fractions in simplest form and/or round four decimal places. PART 1 – PROBABILITY I. Use the data set for gender and lied about your age A. Create a table from the data collected. B. Based on our sample, find the following probabilities 1. What is the probability that a randomly chosen […]


 In response to your peers, state whether their interpretation makes sense to you or what additional questions you have and discuss what other data and statistical analysis would help clarify the association and public health issue. 

Final MilestoneFinal Milestone

Read rubric verbatim Guidelines for Submission: Your data analysis should be approximately 3–5 pages long (including graphs or spreadsheet with calculations), double-spaced, 12- point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins and citations in APA format. Be sure to use language and a style appropriate for a non-technical audience.  

Discussion 9Discussion 9

 Use the Shapiro Library and identify a peer-reviewed public health journal article or data results from the CDC or other public health government websites that include a scatterplot and/or correlation statistic measuring the association between two continuous variables. Define the two continuous variables and describe the association between them using the scatterplot and/or correlation statistic. […]


  Title your paper: “Review of [Name of Article]”  State the Author: Summarize the article in one paragraph: Post a screenshot of the article’s frequency table and/or graph.Example: Frequency Distribution -OR- Graph Answer the following questions about your table or graph.   What type of study is used in the article (quantitative or qualitative)?Explain how you […]


 topic is Normal Distribution Title your paper: “Review of [Name of Article]”  State the Author: Summarize the article in one paragraph: Post a screenshot of the article’s frequency table and/or graph.Example: Frequency Distribution -OR- Graph Answer the following questions about your table or graph.   What type of study is used in the article (quantitative or […]

statistical questionstatistical question

Test-preparation organizations like Kaplan, Princeton Review, etc. often advertise their services by claiming that students gain an average of 100 or more points on the Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT). Do you think that taking one of those classes would give a test taker 100 extra points? Why might an average of 100 points be a […]

Statistical DiscussionStatistical Discussion

Many of you will have heard of Six Sigma management. What you may not realize is that the etymology of the term Six Sigma is rooted in statistics. As you should have seen by now, statisticians use the Greek letter sigma (σ) to denote a standard deviation. So when these Six Sigma people start talking […]