Discipline: Mathematics - Statistics

discussion week 1discussion week 1

In both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, statistics are critical pieces of information that allow decision makers to steer the organization in directions that are in the organization’s best interest. Data is acquired from many sources, some within the organization, and some from outside the organization. The government tracks data on many different aspects of society […]

Week 4 HelpWeek 4 Help

 You are a supervisor at Regional Call Center’s Washington, DC, facility. Regional provides contract call center services for a number of companies, including banks and major retail companies. You have been with the company for slightly more than seven years, having joined Regional right after graduating with a master’s degree in business administration from Strayer […]

Business statisticsBusiness statistics

Question 2 [20] The number of Golden Key candidates for at RBS of different ages in the 2023 academic year is shown in the table below. Candidate age (years) Number of Candidates 10 < 20 4 20 < 30 9 30 < 40 18 40 < 50 26 50 < 60 17 60 < 70 […]

Data decisionsData decisions

  Your goal for this assignment is to: Practice your problem-solving skill by answering questions about statistical concepts and the benefits and uses of data-driven decision-making. Steps to Complete: Step 1: You would like to determine whether eating before bed influences sleep patterns. List each of the seven steps for conducting a statistical study. Explain […]

SPSS analysisSPSS analysis

 Just analyse the data in “QV skincare-Data-updated” against Q1. The relevant statistical tests that must be used are: Chi-squares, Bivariate or Multiple Regressions, ANOVA, at least one type of correlation tests, and at least two types of T-tests. 

Hypothesis Testing ReplyHypothesis Testing Reply

Describe a hypothesis test study that would help your work or conclusions in some way. Describe what variable would be tested and what would be your guess of the value of that variable. Then include how the result, if the null were rejected or not, might change your conclusions or actions in some way. I […]

math labmath lab

Scenario/Summary The highlight of this week’s lab is confidence intervals and the use of these intervals in the health sciences. There is a short reading that specifically relates confidence intervals to health sciences and then you are asked to demonstrate your knowledge of confidence intervals by applying them in a practical manner.

week7 Discussion mathweek7 Discussion math

Initial Post Instructions Describe a hypothesis test study that would help your work or conclusions in some way. Describe what variable would be tested and what would be your guess of the value of that variable. Then include how the result, if the null were rejected or not, might change your conclusions or actions in […]

Discussion and replyDiscussion and reply

 Write a 100 word minimum paragraph describing a real-life situation where correlation and regression might be used. Explain the steps and the process involved in calculating the correlation and regression for your real-life situation in detail. In order to receive credit, your paragraph must be in your own words and not simply cut and paste […]


Hello Professor and Class.  For this article, I chose an article by The Wisconsin Department of Health Services explaining confidence interval studies. This study does an excellent job of putting these weeks’ lessons into simple laymen terms that helped me understand the concept. “In 2005 the estimated percentage of current smokers among Wisconsin adults was […]