Discipline: Mathematics - Statistics


Read/review the following resources for this activity: OpenStax Textbook: Chapter 2 Lesson Chamberlain University Library Internet Week 3 Lab TemplateLinks to an external site. Required Software Microsoft Word Internet access to read articles Scenario/Summary This week’s lab highlights the use of graphics, distributions, and tables to summarize and interpret data. Instructions Part 1: Your instructor […]


 YOU SHOULD INDICATE AT THE BEGINNING OF ANY EXPLANATION FOR EACH EXERCISE WHAT THE STATISTICAL TEST IS ACTUALLY MEASURING.  IT WILL HELP YOU BETTER UNDERSTAND THE UTILITY OF EACH TEST 1)  Test whether there is an association between a person’s gender and the prestige of their occupation.  Use the GSS2018 data set to perform an independent […]


  Using data visualization to better determine which measures of central tendency and spread you should use. Using the STATES10 data set: 1. Generate measures of central tendency and spread. Report the measures of central tendency and spread, and provide a scatterplot for the following variables.  If using SPSS, provide a box plot as well. […]


  MAKE SURE TO SAVE YOUR SPSS/PSPP OUTPUT AS A PDF AND TURN IN WITH YOUR RESPONSES and be sure to properly label your responses] 1) Is there a relationship between a person’s age (AGE) and the number of hours spent per day watching TV (TVHOURS)? Use the GSS 2018 data to test this relationship. […]

Program EvaluationProgram Evaluation

  The program Evaluation Assignments will focus on ethical and/or practical concerns as well as provide examples of program evaluation research. Address the following (PART 1): 1. What are the NEP/SEP research questions (Valente, 2001; Kerr et al., 2010).  Provide the properly cited direct quote for each.  Why are the questions being asked? 2. Briefly […]


  Make sure you read the question and use the proper data set.  Also, provide as much information so it is readily apparent what exercise and part of an exercise you are answering (and it is always a good idea to attach the output).  You might think this goes without saying but you would be […]

Governing ArticleGoverning Article

  Read the article “Managing Marijuana: The Role of Data-Driven Regulation” and the following: https://ascend.aspeninstitute.org/an-evidence-based-approach-to-child-support/ 48.Aspx Podcast: Privacy and Predictions 1. What did you find most interesting related to the use of data in the articles and podcasts? 2. Collecting information about people is part of any program evaluation.  Whether it is a needs assessment […]


  For this first exercise, go to the General Social Survey (GSS) website and download the 1980 data set for SPSS. This is the only dataset not uploaded for you.  I want to see if can find it yourself.  Let me know if you have difficulties.   Answer the following: 1. Report the frequency and […]