Discipline: Mathematics - Statistics

SPSS You must have the PSPP software which is free. You need the GSS 2018 data set and the states 10 data.SPSS You must have the PSPP software which is free. You need the GSS 2018 data set and the states 10 data.

  MAKE SURE TO SAVE YOUR SPSS/PSPP OUTPUT AS A PDF AND TURN IN WITH YOUR RESPONSES and be sure to properly label your responses] 1) Is there a relationship between a person’s age (AGE) and the number of hours spent per day watching TV (TVHOURS)? Use the GSS 2018 data to test this relationship. […]

Program EvaluationProgram Evaluation

  1) You will report the information listed below for both the GSS 2012 & GSS 2018 data sets: Examine the relationship between attitudes toward the level of national assistance for childcare (NATCHILD) and the sex of the respondent (SEX). Fill in the following information: Make a prediction What percent of Americans believe we spend too […]

Program EvaluationProgram Evaluation

  Program Evaluation Assignment 2 The program Evaluation Assignments will focus on ethical and/or practical concerns as well as provide examples of program evaluation research. Address the following: 1. What is the NEP/SEP research question? Provide the direct quote-properly cited (reference APA Publication Manual for guidance with citation format).  Do not quote from the Abstract.  […]


  Using data visualization to better determine which measures of central tendency and spread you should use. Using the STATES10 data set: 1. Generate measures of central tendency and spread. Report the measures of central tendency and spread, and provide a scatterplot for the following variables.  If using SPSS, provide a box plot as well. […]


  According to a survey by paint manufacturer, DuPont, 22% of all cars in the United States are red. Suppose 20 cars are randomly selected and the number of red cars are recorded.  Round probabilities to 4 decimal places. Explain why this is a binomial experiment. Find and interpret the probability that exactly 6 cars […]

correlation coefficientcorrelation coefficient

 The following data represent the speed at which a ball was hit​ (in miles per​ hour) and the distance it traveled​ (in feet) for a random sample of home runs in a Major League baseball game in 2018. Complete parts​ (a) through​ (f).   ​(a) Find the​ least-squares regression line treating speed at which the […]

Statistics excel and paperStatistics excel and paper

Please see attachement with instructions 1- in word doc-   -Submit your research question- If it needs explanation include 1-2 paragraphs.  -Data Collection- Submit a clean dataset. This means it should not have any extra text or code in it. If it should be formatted, keep it organized such as a comma separated file. – […]

Cohort Study questionsCohort Study questions

1. Read the paper by Must, et al (1992): Long-term morbidity and mortality of overweight adolescents. NEJM, 327:1350-55. Questions Based on the table and formulas below, calculate, label AND state the meaning of your answer (interpret) in a sentence: Status as Adolescents Number of Participants CHD Deaths Person-years of observation Overweight 238 40 9,329 Not […]