Discipline: Political Science

chap 12 discussionchap 12 discussion

 Your response must be at least 6-8 sentences and include at least two citations from the text or other sources.   All sources used must be cited using APA format. The following resources may be used to reach these objectives: Criminal Law, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing edition, 2015 Discussion Topic: A law enforcement officer […]

chap 12 assignchap 12 assign

All assignments should be typed, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, and between 350-500 words.  Your responses should be thorough and concise. Students should use at least two references cited as evidence to support their answers.  When providing your answers, please be sure to always use documentation from the text or other sources to support […]

chapter 11 discussionchapter 11 discussion

Your response must be at least 6-8 sentences and include at least two citations from the text or other sources.  All sources used must be cited using APA format. The following source may be used in this discussion: Criminal Law, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing edition, 2015 Discussion Topic: Ellen goes to the fine jewelry […]

Legislative analysisLegislative analysis

Legislative analysis In 800 words or less, identify a bill introduced in Congress (House or Senate) during the most recent session and analyze the pros and cons of the legislation. State and explain your position, provide policy recommendations, and identify their impact on the Hispanic community. Follow MLA format, and cite your sources. We strongly […]

Pol Unit VIIIPol Unit VIII

Part I: Explain how you see foreign policy goals influencing international politics. Give one example to support your position. Part II: Do you think intervention works? Should the United States (or any other country) act as world police? Explain your rationale.

chap 10 discussionchap 10 discussion

For each discussion forum, students will write a response to the discussion forum and reply to at least two of their peers.  Your response must be at least 6-8 sentences and include at least two citations from the text or other sources.   All sources used must be cited using APA format. The following resources […]