Discipline: Political Science

criminal justice.criminal justice.

Your response must be at least 6-8 sentences and include at least two citations from the text or other sources.  All sources used must be cited using APA format. The following resources may be used to reach these objectives: Criminal Law, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing edition, 2015 As Jordan is driving to school, she […]

criminal justice.criminal justice.

All assignments should be typed, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, and between 350-500 words.  Your responses should be thorough and concise. Students should use at least two references cited as evidence to support their answers.  When providing your answers, please be sure to always use documentation from the text or other sources to support […]

Unit 3 powerpointUnit 3 powerpoint

For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint that addresses each of the following: Summarize important institutions, key ideologies, theories, and philosophies that shape modern political thought. Discuss how ideology influences politics and political institutions. Discuss how society shapes politics. Include relevant, real-life examples that occurred in the last 2 decades to illustrate your discussion. […]

Pros and Cons of Interest Groups, Lobbyists, and Corporations discussion postPros and Cons of Interest Groups, Lobbyists, and Corporations discussion post

Option 2: Social movements can at times use disruptive behaviors. What are some of the possible benefits of disruptive behaviors in social movements? What are the drawbacks or possible negative consequences? What does the First Amendment state concerning citizens’ right to use disruptive methods? Refer to examples from history as you frame your analysis. Explain […]

State powersState powers

Review the Bill of Rights for the U.S. Constitution and compare to your state’s constitution (ohio) Find three state sections that are similar to or align with the Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution). 

criminal justice.criminal justice.

 Your response must be at least 6-8 sentences and include at least two citations from the text or other sources.   All sources must be cited using APA format. You may use the following sources to complete your discussion: Criminal Law, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing edition, 2015 Amnesty International: The Death PenaltyLinks to an […]

criminal justice.criminal justice.

You may use the following sources to complete this assignment: Freedom of Speech and the PressLinks to an external site. Criminal Law, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing edition, 2015 All assignments should be typed, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, and between 350-500 words.  Your responses should be thorough and concise. Students should use at […]