Discipline: Psychology

560 dp 4-2560 dp 4-2

Review Chapter 8 and the information and demonstrations given on schemas and scripts. Create a similar demonstration to one of those in Chapter 8 and present it to a classmate, friend, or family member. Based on the results of your demonstration, explain the role of schemas on memory formation. How did the experience measure up […]

560 dp 4-1560 dp 4-1

Describe what research says memory enhancement and include examples about cognitive tools people can use to improve encoding, storage and retrieval methods in their everyday lives. Use scholarly resources to support your response.

560 HM case study560 HM case study

Read the attached articles regarding the case of H.M. and write a 750-1,000-word case analysis that addresses the following questions:  Explain what happened neurologically in H.M.’s case. Why did it impact his memory? How was his memory affected? Explain the neurological reasons for his ability to learn other skills or tasks. How has H.M.’s case guided […]

560 dp 3-2560 dp 3-2

Research false memories from witnesses of a crime and the reliability of their testimony in court. Explain whether or not witness testimony is reliable and support your response with scholarly resources.


  In dissertation, you will calculate your measures’ reliability using Cronbach’s alpha.  This week as we explore reliability, we will practice this calculation using the Growth Mindset scale (Dweck, 1999)  and an online version of statistical software (Jamovi).  First, take the scale yourself and write down your responses (numbers) for each of the three items.  […]

psychology research 3 pagespsychology research 3 pages

A summary of the article (.5 pages; 20 points): Your response should include a short summation of what the article was about. (This should be no more than a paragraph. This assignment is an analysis, not a summary!) Your reason for choosing the article (1 page; 30 points): What drew you to this article? What […]