Discipline: Psychology

feedback 2feedback 2

 You mentioned that cultural factors play a role when considering the impact of divorce on children. For instance, in some societies, divorce may be stigmatized or viewed as a failure, which increases stress and humiliation for both spouses and children. In other societies, divorce may be less stigmatized and more common, with fewer bad effects. […]

4 references4 references

  This week, you will practice listening to a story of another person’s experience or context (from a postmodern and cultural humility standpoint). Think of yourself as a curious and open vessel where you are taking in what the authors are telling you. After this, you will write a reflection related to the experience, your […]

Question help for MISS DEANNAQuestion help for MISS DEANNA

Research in the field of Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) has increased almost exponentially in the past 30 years (Matson & LoVullo, 2009). The most frequently studied disorder in the spectrum is autism and our theoretical understanding and treatment approaches for this condition have changed considerably over this period. Please review and discuss some of the […]

Post Modern TherapiesPost Modern Therapies

   a Discuss solution-focused brief therapy. Describe key concepts and specific     interventions including the use of the miracle question. b. Discuss narrative therapy. Describe key concepts and specific interventions. c. Discuss strengths and limitations of SFBT and Narrative therapy. References 

week 7 feedbackweek 7 feedback

  How do you think technology can help children in the divorce process when one of the parents lives at a great distance or cannot go to see their father, but the father or mother wants to take care of the communication link with their child?