Discipline: Psychology

2-1 Discussion: Neurodiversity2-1 Discussion: Neurodiversity

In this module, you will explore the concept of neurodiversity and approach variations in brain functioning as differences, not deficits. What does it mean to embrace these differences as strengths in our society? To help inform your initial post, review two of the following videos: Human Neurodiversity Should Be Celebrated, Not Treated as a Disorder […]


M9 Q1 What is a mental disorder?  As a group, please address all of the following points (each person need only contribute to at least one). a) Compare and contrast the definition in DSM-IV from the proposed revision for DSM-5.  Do you see any significant changes? b) Do you think the DSM definition is adequate?  […]

Los trastornos alimentariosLos trastornos alimentarios

diagnóstico de trastornos mentales (DSM-5) para que se ilustre y pueda explicar mejor en qué consiste: a) Los trastornos alimentarios. Escoja uno de los dos tópicos siguientes y redacte un ensayo explicativo donde analice: – La relación que existe entre las redes sociales, las nuevas tecnologías y los medios de comunicación, con los hábitos y […]


Bella is 9 years old and in the 4th grade. Bella’s mother sought treatment due to increasing disruptive behaviors over the past year, including non-compliance, physical aggression toward peers, and frequent behavioral meltdowns which resembled the temper tantrums of a much younger child. Tantrums included screaming, yelling, slamming doors, and crying. Bella and her mother […]

9 seminar9 seminar

An article critique is important to learn to develop your literature review and to understand the content in a journal article. You learn how to understand the authors points as related to the study as you evaluate the study. When you critique a study, the following is required: 1. Name(s) of the author(s) 2. Title […]

psych week 10 dqpsych week 10 dq

  DEVELOPING SMART GOALS Goals are used to either guide a plan to fruition or to direct a course of actions towards a future aim. Goals need to be specific and measurable so that you can know if you are making progress towards completing the goal. Vague goals or ones that are too general, will […]


Present an original research proposal in an 8-12-slide PowerPoint. Be prepared to defend your research as well as critique at least two learner’s presentations in the discussion forum.   Include the following in the presentation: Introduction (1 slide)  Research Questions/Hypotheses (1 slide)  Literature Review/Theory (2-3 slides)  Methods & Data Collection (1-2 slides)  Hypothetical Data Presentation/Findings (2-3 slides)  Future Research (1 slide)  Conclusion […]