Discipline: Psychology

case studycase study

You write the principal a two-page report of your observations and thoughts.  To help her understand your points, you annotate the above conversation and attach it as an appendix.


attend two open meetings of a twelve-step self-help group such as Alcoholics Anonymous, virtually or in person. Afterwards complete a write up using the form in Blackboard. Be sure to write down the feelings you experienced as a result of locating and finding such a meeting and your thoughts and reflections after attending the meeting. The […]

9 overview mp9 overview mp

“Friends Television Star” Matthew Perry.  Approximately one year ago Matthew was in the news sharing his story about his addiction. On Saturday he was found dead in his hot tub. Research his struggle with addiction and his death. Let’s use the discussion forum to share referenced information along with your thoughts about how the addiction […]


one-page to respond to the following: Explain how each of the fundament core values of the human services profession which include respecting the dignity and welfare of all people; promoting self-determination; honoring cultural diversity; advocating for social justice; and acting with integrity, honesty, genuineness, and objectivity will be reflected in your professional identity.

Discussion BoardDiscussion Board

   In this discussion, you will explore the aim of your research, think about potential ethical issues that could arise and consider ways you can protect the people who have Mental health condition among young adults. Directions: Start to revise your question by stating/answering your topic’s 5 “wh” questions of the research: what- who- where- […]

week 2 statsweek 2 stats

 rovide answers to the questions below. Although the mean is used most often as a measure of central tendency, when might someone prefer mode over mean or median? When is the median preferred over the mean to describe a variable? (Note: Be sure to specify when to use mean vs. median vs. mode based on […]