Discipline: Psychology


For this discussion think about your study and discuss how the information is coming together for you. For example, what is your study design and what makes sense about selecting the design as opposed to another design. What is the relevance of conducting a literature review for your study? Are you replicating a study; have […]


Antecedents are stimuli that occur before a behavior and can influence behaviors. MOs and SDs are types of antecedents that play an important role in the occurrence of behaviors. Understanding the impact of these antecedents allows behavior analysts to manipulate these variables and influence client behavior in a meaningful way. Instructions For this assignment, use […]


Overview Before researching a behavior, it is important to first identify and define it. All experiments must have a behavior (dependent variable), at least one participant, and a setting where they take place. For this assignment, you will start writing the Introduction and the Methods section of your hypothetical behavior analytic study. Consider an area […]


Overview Before researching a behavior, it is important to first identify and define it. All experiments must have a behavior (dependent variable), at least one participant, and a setting where they take place. For this assignment, you will start writing the Introduction and the Methods section of your hypothetical behavior analytic study. Consider an area […]


  CLINICAL PERSONALITY ASSESSMENTS Clinical personality assessments can only be completed and interpreted by a licensed psychologist who is trained in testing and assessments. Personality testing is usually done as a part of a larger battery of psychological assessment.  An individual or even several personality tests would not be administered in isolation without the supporting […]

mind trapmind trap

  Read the article about “Forget what you know about good study habits:”   http://dyslexiahelp.umich.edu/latest/forget-what-you-know-about-good-study-habits What evidence does cognitive science provide us with in terms of effective study techniques? How is this similar to (or different from) the MindTap learning experience? [Hint: You can watch the MindTap “mastery training” video for an overview mind Trap on you tube

Discussion BoardDiscussion Board

 Describe the general or specific topic or problem you are interested in studying. No more than two or three.  Describe the reasons you believe this issue is problematic. Describe the evidence you have that supports your belief that this issue is a problem. In other words, how can you prove that this issue is a […]