Discipline: Psychology

Legal and Ethical Standards in the WorkplaceLegal and Ethical Standards in the Workplace

  Accurate documentation and record keeping are vital to the profession. Documenting that the research subject (client/patient) has read and understood both 1) informed consent to research participation (treatment), and 2) the legal ramifications of mandated instances in which treatment-related information must be released are ethically imperative. In the workplace, it is critical to apply […]


  Provide citation and reference to the material(s) you discuss. Describe what you found interesting regarding this topic, and why. Describe how you will apply that learning in your daily life, including your work life. Describe what may be unclear to you, and what you would like to learn.


After reading the article, Psychoanalysis, discuss the goal, importance of dreams, the 3 major criticisms and your thoughts on the theory and techniques. Must be a minimum of 350 words.  Find the article at the following link:   http://scholar.googleusercontent.com/scholar?q=cache:K6z660dHLsUJ:scholar.google.com/+Psychoanalysis:+Freud%27s+revolutionary+approach+to+human+personality+pdf&hl=en&as_sdt=0,41&as_vis=1  or   https://izziefananthology.wordpress.com/2016/04/11/psychoanalysis-freuds-revolutionary-approach-to-human-personality-kristen-m-beystehner/ 

Career TheoriesCareer Theories

  Choose two career (Trait and Factor Theory – Holland and developmental – Super)  theories that you find interesting. Compare and contrast those career theories. Write at least three paragraphs to fully explore the two career theories. Make sure you cite and reference according to APA style. You can use your text or other, outside […]

psyc 340psyc 340

Stanford Prison Experiment (with classic Milgram footage) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=760lwYmpXbc  Which behaviors are examples of obedience, compliance, or conformity?  Why did we see these findings?  Do you think you would have delivered the shocks? Why or why not?  What kind of guard or prisoner would you have been? Why?  Was this study ethical? Why or why not? […]


you will create a plan for dealing with stress, based on evidence-based principles. Create a thread called “[your name]’s Stress Plan.”  Before you get started, watch this video from “Science Friday.” In your thread: By Thursday, Make an initial post in which you identify the sources of stress that are most problematic for you – […]


personal cognitive development through several different cognitive domains. One that explores general trends throughout development and applies to broader society. 

Professional IdentityProfessional Identity

  As a counselor-in-training, it is important to reflect on the ongoing development of your professional identity. Using resources provided in the Learning Resources for Week 9, select a writing topic from the provided “Think It Over” Topic List. Identifying a minimum of three additional scholarly references to support your perspectives and reflect on your […]