Discipline: Psychology

Psychology UFPR Week 10 AssignmentPsychology UFPR Week 10 Assignment

To prepare for this assignment: Review the web article, “Issue Brief 1: Adolescent Legal Competence in Court.” Think about how this information might assist a forensic psychology professional who is tasked with assessing a juvenile’s competency to stand trial. Using the Walden Library, select a research article dealing with the assessment of juvenile competency to […]

UFPR Week 10 DiscussionUFPR Week 10 Discussion

To prepare for this Discussion: Review this week’s DVD program, “Application of Psychological Research – Court Settings.”Think about how psychological research can guide the practice of forensic psychology relative to various issues presented in court settings. Review the article, “The Effects of Pretrial Publicity on Juror Verdicts: A Meta-Analytic Review.” Pay particular attention to the […]

CB Week 10 DiscussionCB Week 10 Discussion

To prepare: Review the Learning Resources this week to deepen your understanding of the scope and types of human trafficking. Search your state or county laws regarding human trafficking. For example, search the internet using the search string “human trafficking laws state of Texas.” Review data related to human trafficking on the FBI’s UCR website. […]

8 welfare8 welfare

Discuss one common social problem such as poverty or HIV/AIDS. Identify 5 primary prevention,5 secondary prevention and 5 tertiary preventions.  Provide a strategy and implementation plan as well as the likely obstacles they may be encountered. Use the information from your reading in the text, the videos, and other resources that you access to guide […]

History of Mental Health DiscussionHistory of Mental Health Discussion

Discuss your thoughts ( in 300 words or more)  on the history and treatment of individuals suffering from mental illness. You may include your beliefs on exorcism, trepanation, witchcraft, and/or thoughts on the reform of mental institutions.  https://www.pbs.org/video/a-history-of-mental-illness-huv9lo/ https://www.coursehero.com/study-guides/abnormalpsychology/history-of-abnormal-behavior/

el desarrollo histórico y la evolución de la Salud Mental en los Estados Unidosel desarrollo histórico y la evolución de la Salud Mental en los Estados Unidos

A través de un ensayo descriptivo investigue sobre el desarrollo histórico y la evolución de la Salud Mental en los Estados Unidos. Escoja una de las poblaciones vulnerables (niños, personas sin hogar, discapacitados, drogadictos, mujeres maltratadas, veteranos de guerra, comunidad LGBT, emigrantes, ancianos, etc…) y exponga cuáles son algunos de los trastornos relacionados con la […]

week one statweek one stat

 Provide answers to two of the questions below. Everyone must answer question 3. You have a choice between answering Questions 1 or 2.  Please respond to at least one post about whichever question you do not address in your initial post (Q1 or Q2).  In this course, we are going to tackle statistics. Although some […]