DUE IN 8 HOURS In this module, you have learned about prenatal development, childbirth, and infant care. Much research has pointed to be benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and infant, but American is still struggling to encourage more mothers to at least try breastfeeding. For moms who do breastfeed, America has a lot to […]
Discipline: Psychology
Change Challenge Case Report Guidance You final Change Challenge Case Report should contain 1. Your original challenge description submitted to your group 2. A summary of the suggestions given by your group 3. A discussion of why you used or did not use your group’s suggestions. 4. The final Action Plan for your Change Challenge […]
w8 hnw8 hn
Watch the TED Talk “It Take a Community to Eradicate Hate” Give your reaction to Elegbede’s talk. He says, “The lessons I’ve learned from these experiences are: there are good people in every community, and your community will stand shoulder to shoulder with you if you make it your business.” Do you think this is true? […]
w8 milestone 3w8 milestone 3
You must choose whether you want to do a quantitative or a qualitative method and then write up the proposed methodology as part of this milestone. Once your methods are approved, you will be able to go and do the research you propose. Here is a video on this next step. Here is a second […]
Research Proposal Presentation Rough DraftResearch Proposal Presentation Rough Draft
Use your Topic 1 summary to create a rough draft of the presentation due in Topic 3 where you will be presenting an original research proposal in an 8-12-slide PowerPoint Include the following in the presentation: Introduction (1 slide) Research Questions/Hypotheses (1 slide) Literature Review/Theory (2-3 slides) Methods & Data Collection (1-2 slides) Hypothetical Data […]
dp 2-2dp 2-2
Refer to the Smart Goal resources. List one short- and long-term professional and career goal (four total), along with practical substeps to achieve them. Be sure to include dates. What might be some potential challenges for each? How can you prevent some of these foreseeable hurdles?
dp 2-1dp 2-1
Why is goal setting so critical to personal and professional success? What makes a goal more likely to be accomplished? Be sure to integrate expert sources from the assigned readings or from your own research.
one full page with a separate cover page on how to proceed when a person answers “yes” to one of the Audit screen questions. Include the appropriate follow up questions important to gather all the necessary information needed for screening. Finally, include the recommendation for next steps after the screening is conducted., such as “Tell […]
CB Week 9 Two Student ResponseCB Week 9 Two Student Response
Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts (on different days)—who selected a case study different from the one you chose—in one or more of the following ways: Ask a probing question. Expand on a colleague’s posting. Offer polite disagreement and/or critique supported with evidence. Note: Your responses to colleagues should be substantial (1 […]
UFPR Week 9 One Student ResponseUFPR Week 9 One Student Response
Respond by Day 6 to at least one of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways: Ask a probing question. Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting. Offer and support an opinion. Validate an idea with your own experience. Make a suggestion. Expand on your colleague’s posting.